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Karina arrived at the bridal shop that her father suggested.

"welcome! May I know if you made any reservation?" the woman behind the counter greeted her.

"I believe it's under Mr. Yoo." Karina smiled at her.

"ah. you must be Karina. Come inside. I'll show you our collection." The woman then guides Karina inside to look around the wardrobes.

Many of the beautiful dresses and gowns caught her eyes. Regardless of the kind of wedding she'll have, she still thinks of it as a one in a lifetime moment. She needs to pick the best gown for herself.

"this is our latest dresses. This one's famous." The woman picks up a glamourous gown to show it to Karina.

"wow. This is beautiful." She smiled. "I'll take this first. I need to look around more."

"sure thing, miss."


Winter promised Karina to be at the shop at 4. She's now with her friends doing some 'work' that she's been talking about.

"oh, c'mon. you must be kidding me." the guy on the other side of the table sighs and throws his cards on the table.

"keys." Winter extends her hand. "...and don't forget the money."

Just like that, Winter earned a car and thousands of cash from her game, sometimes a mansion or a property. You can say that she loves gambling. Not that she's addicted, though. The best part of it is she never loses.

"now that's... how you play, guys." Ryujin, her only bestfriend, pats her back. "anyone else?"

"one more game. I had to go after this." Winter informed her friend.

"I'm in." another guy sits in front of her.

"sure. bet on something." Winter calmly said.

"I have my mansion, cars and 20% of my company's profit. All there." The guy seems confident.

"I'll stick to mine then." Winter always bets on her car. Luckily, no one has ever touched it.

As expected, Winter won this last game. She then takes his bets and stands up.

"Nice playing with you all." She smiled sarcastically and walks with Ryujin outside.

"to the shop?" Ryujin asked.

"yeah." Winter get into her car.

"excited?" Ryujin smiled at her.

"not really. I'll come back here after the wedding, yea." Winter said, starting her car. "take care, bud."

After driving for some minutes, Winter arrived at the shop. A little past 4 but she shook it off.

"welcome! any reservation?" the same woman that greeted Karina also greets Winter kindly.

"Karina must be here already. I'm her partner." Winter taps on the counter a few times.

The woman looking at Winter's outfit head to toe, unsure of what she's seeing. If someone comes in too messy to prepare for their wedding, it's questionable, right?

"she's trying on a few gowns inside. follow me." the woman guides Winter inside.

"oh... you're here." Karina smiled a little. coming out wearing a simple white gown.

"are you gonna be the bride or the bridesmaid? I don't want you to wear that dress." the gown is way too simple for Winter.

"okay???" Karina stares at her confused. She then walks back in and tries on another gown.

BEYOND THE COVERS (WINRINA AU)Where stories live. Discover now