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Winter stares outside the glass window on her office, enjoying her cup of coffee. Today's report is satisfying for her to see. she feels like she doesn't have to be worried.

"miss... everyone's ready." Rose informed the young CEO.

"dad's here too?" Winter puts her cup on the desk and grabs some papers there. She walks out, followed by Rose, to the meeting room.

"no, miss." Rose replied.

Walking in a little confident, Winter sits on one of the chairs.

"good afternoon, everyone. I'll start the meeting right away." Rose stands beside the white board.

For about two hours or so, the meeting comes to an end.

"so how's it?" Winter smirked, getting a little cocky.

"it was... great. I admit." Karina smiled a little. can't lie, she too, satisfied with the improvement. "but... there are also huge amount of expenditure for... stocks? I understand that investment is important but for this amount is not really necessary." Karina looks up to look at Winter. "how can you assure that what you invested will bring us the same amount or even bigger profit?"

"that's what I call gambling investment." Winter stares back at Karina. "I don't need you to trust me or anything. this is still my company and I'll continue to run it my way."

"if anything goes south, the loss will all be on you." Karina sighs.

"oh, believe me. I understand that perfectly."


Having her dinner at home, Winter sits across her mother.

"how's the meeting today?" the woman asked.

"it's good. Karina seems to be a lot careful with everything." Winter replied shortly.

"isn't it good? You should be too."

"it is. But, it doesn't really get me anywhere." Winter argued.

"in times like this you have to be patient, Winter. You're risking too many things." Mrs. Kim gives her a little advice.

"being patient doesn't get you what you want, does it?"

"are you still going to Ryujin's casino?" Mrs. Kim got concerned. She knows about Winter's gambling habit and she's afraid that it'll become an addiction.

"recently, no. planning on coming back after the wedding." Winter is pretty open with her mother.

"please. focus on our company first. There's not much use in gambling."

"that is if I lose." Winter then continues to eat.


Karina on the other hand, have to listen to her parent's arguing at the dining table. At this point, she lost her appetite.

"you have no idea how much you've risk by working with their family." the mother stated.

"I told you we have no choice! You think I didn't roam around begging pathetically to the others? Just be grateful with what we have."

"does those choices includes the marriage? I can't believe your brain. If I didn't catch you at the casino, I can assure you that we'll live on the street by now."

"can you not bring that up? I feel guilty already. Just play along if you wanna survive."

"glad you still feel that way." Mrs. Kim puts down her utensils. "if that kid can't bring any advantage for us, I will never forgive you."

Mrs. Yoo then leaves the table to her room.

"I'm so sorry." Mr. Kim sighs, massaging his own temple.

"it's okay. I understand we're not in a good place. Just trust the process." Karina calms him down.

"but what if it's true? What if all that I've decided turns out to be useless? I'm glad you're on my side." Mr. Yoo smiled at her.

"I'm not on anyone's side. Mom's words are made sense. I have my worries too but all I can do is just follow along, right?" Karina sighs.

"oh. then, I appreciate it. You've worked hard for the company."


A few days later, Karina arrived alone at the shop for a fitting. The appointment should be two days ago but she's too busy.

"good evening. I thought you forgot." The woman smiled at Karina and she leads Karina right away to her dresses. "that one is still 70% finished. I already prepare the red one with the accessories."

"thank you." Karina returns a smile.

"all eyes will be on you with this." the woman complimented.

After some time trying to put on the gown, Karina looks at the mirror. The red gown on her is not that bad. She's satisfied enough with it.

"this is beautiful." She said, still looking at the mirror.

"I admit your fiancé has a great taste."

Karina can only agree with that. she has to be grateful, right?

On the other hand, Winter also visits the shop. Since Chris already have Winter's measurements, it's easy for him to just make some adjustments to the suits.

"will you invite me?" Chris asked while checking on some parts of the suit and trousers.

"shouldn't you be there? Help me with all these." Winter replied.

"oh... I thought your maids can help." He chuckled.

"this is a wedding. I wanna look perfect in front of everyone."

"well... I guess the maids wants to bang you instead of helping you." he giggled.

"I'll gladly accept that, then." she joked around too.

"okay. I'll deliver them straight to your house." Chris looks at Winter who's quickly changes her outfit and sits on the couch. "nervous?"

"no. do I look nervous?"

"you do. what's up?" Chris sits beside her.

"I'm just expecting. If things gets better, I can just get a divorce." Winter shrugs.

"what? You didn't tell me about that. you can't just do that too." Chris turns his body fully facing her. "spill."

"why would I tell you? that's already my plan. I never agree to all of this, anyway."

"but it's a special bond you have with someone. You're mean." He leans back.

"I know we're close. But not close enough for you to say that." Winter stands up. "I'll be going. I'm picking her up."

"yeah sure. have a great day!"

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