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The year ends pretty quick for Winter. Her work right now is just a form of distraction for her stress. Thanks to that, her business profit escalated, improving really well.

"we're satisfied, ma'am. I hope our relation will bring great benefits for both of us."

"nice to work with you, sir." Winter shakes his hand. Many companies wants to invest on Winter's company. he's one of them.

After the meeting, Winter walks towards her office with Rose. Instead of going back to her desk, Winter follows Rose to her office. Again, she pressed the button under her desk.

"sit." Winter commanded her.

Surprised, Rose obeys her and just sits on her chair. Winter sighs and unbuckles her pants. Before anything, Winter jerks herself off in front of Rose. Winter then grabs one of her breasts.

Rose reaches for Winter's dick but Winter refuses her help by slapping it away. Winter then grabs her head and pulls it towards her shaft.

She sighs in relief once she enters Rose's warmth. With her pace, Rose is struggling to keep up.

"hang on. It won't be long." Winter starts to pick up the pace. Even then, she's not satisfied enough. Since she haven't been able to please herself, she just use what she has right now. soon, Winter releases all her seeds inside her.

Like the usual, Rose swallows it. Winter looks down and pats her head.

"alright." Winter controls her breathing. "go back to work."


Karina looks at her watch. Keeping track of time is important for her so she can manage her work better. This evening, Karina finishes her work early. It's been so long since she had a real free time.

Arriving at her parents' mansion, she goes straight to the dining room.

"would you like to request something for dinner, ma'am?" a maid noticed her and immediately offers.

"just get me bottle of wine. Thank you." Karina smiles at her.

Soon after, she serves her the wine along with the glass. She also pours it for her. Karina then calls her assistant.

"Fred... I'll monitor everything from home. I'll tell you when I'll be back, okay?"

"no problem ma'am. I'll report it all to you." he replied.

After Karina hung up, she takes the wine to her room.


Fell asleep, she then hears her phone rings. It's Soobin. One of the CEO that invested in Karina's company. you can say that they've gotten close.

"hello?" Karina answers.

"I'm outside of your house." he paused. "oh, your mom just opened the door."

Karina is confused. She then changes to a more appropriate clothing and gets out of her room.

"good evening." Karina greeted him. she then sits beside her mother, across him. "what's the matter?"

"ah... nothing actually. I'm just visiting." He smiles. "how's your work today? I'm sure you've gone through a lot of improvements."

"we do. Since we gained a lot of investors." Karina smiles.

"so... I was thinking... um... would you like to join me for a dinner this weekend?" he then notices a questioning look from Karina. "it's not private. Don't worry. I've invited other companies too."

"oh." Karina sighs. "you could've just send the invitation." Karina giggles. "you don't have to come directly."

"appreciate his effort, Karina. He's just back from Kansas." Her mother chimes in. "Winter will be there too right?"

"yes. I've invited her." Soobin smiles a little. "speaking of, why aren't you at your mansion?"

"oh... she's out of town. So, I'll stay here for a while until she's back." Karina lied. in fact, she doesn't know her whereabouts since she's away.

"is that so? She must've worked hard for you." Soobin smiles at her. "well, then. I'll be going. Thank you for welcoming me."

After bidding their goodbyes, Karina joins her mother back at the living room.

"isn't he nice?"

"he is." Karina smiles a little.

"you should've been with him instead. Your father insisted." She sighs. "look at you. just get a divorce and go with him. Winter doesn't even care about you, Karina."

"that's my decision. I don't have to listen to you."

"people starts to notice something's wrong with you both. I'm tired of making excuses to them explaining things I don't even know." Her mother said sternly.

"then just don't respond... let me handle this myself." Karina sighs and leaves her mother.


Karina spends her morning just watching TV and drinking her coffee, checking her phone once in a while.

Not long after that, her front door opens, revealing her father that's just back form his business trip.

"baby..." her father greets her. "what are you doing here?"

"you're not happy I'm here?" Karina hugs him.

"of course I am. I missed you." he smiles. They both then sits down again. "I kinda expected you to be here. I heard things from Mr. Kim."

"so I don't have to explain things anymore." Karina smiles a little, hiding her sadness.

"so... you want a divorce too?" Mr. Yoo caresses her head. "I can take care of it if that's what you want."

"I have a reason, right?" she lowers her head. "I'm just disappointed. I've never felt like this before and I can't just talk to her casually."

"if you think that's valid enough for that, then, I can't force it anymore. You took a lot of care for our company and I think we're good on our own now."

"is that so?" Karina purses her lips. "I'll think about it."

BEYOND THE COVERS (WINRINA AU)Where stories live. Discover now