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Karina prepares herself to go to work. Winter is still asleep. Not gonna lie, Karina starts to develop some feelings for Winter but she's still unsure about the cause of it. Either it's because of the sex or a genuine one, Karina will figure that out later.

"excuse me." a maid enters after she knocked. She walks beside Winter and put down a cup of coffee for her on the bedside table. She then bows and leaves the room.

Karina notices that about Winter. After three days getting back here, Winter always drinks tea at night and coffee in the morning. She's never had that habit early on the marriage.

"thanks. Whoever you are." Winter said to herself. She opens her eyes and sits down. She looks down at her hurting morning wood since Karina doesn't want her to get off three days ago. She sighs, looking back at Karina. "morning." She greeted. Drinking her coffee, she stares out the window.

"you okay?" Karina shows her a little affection.

"I'm fine." Winter puts down her cup and walks to the bathroom.

"Winter... are you okay?" Karina knocks on the door a few times.

Winter looks at herself in the mirror. The pain on her chest is way worse than the one below. She wonders why she's this frustrated about Karina. She sets aside the thought of divorcing her long ago and now Karina is the one who wants it. She can't figure out anything. Karina was right about her not solving things.

"what should I do?" Winter stares at herself. "think. fast."

"Winter?" Karina knocks once again.

Winter quickly washes her face, brushes her teeth and unlocks the door. Karina is sitting on the bed.

"you should go. You'll be late for your... meeting or something with Soobin." Winter walks past Karina and sits on her working desk.

"what's wrong? Did I go too hard on you?" Karina approaches her, hugging her from behind.

"cut the act, Karina. Just go." Winter accidentally hurts herself by saying that. "I'll speak to my lawyer about us."

"what are you talking about?" Karina is surprised. "you keep changing your decision."

Winter turns her chair to look at her.

"you have no idea how hard I've tried to make up my mind, Karina. You're the one that's making me changing it all the time." Winter looks up at her.

"how can you blame it all on me? you're the one that cheated. I don't wanna hate you, Winter. I really don't. you're making this hard for me." Karina sighs, sitting on the bed.

"I'm not making this hard. I tried to get to you, thinking how I can just make it looks like we works out. then, that night you also want a divorce. You think I can prevent you from doing that?" Winter stares at her. Karina can feel her sincere look.

"you're being serious?" Karina raises an eyebrow. "don't tell me that you're jealous."

"why would I be?" she denied her by scoffing. "you said you want to be with him instead. Then, go ahead." Again, Winter holds her pain.

"can you please be honest for once? At least to yourself."

"I am honest. What do you want me to say?" Winter raised her voice.

"I don't want a divorce, Winter. If I do, I won't be here with you, sleep on your side, waking up with you. I can just go and never come back, breaking it all myself without telling you." Karina pours her heart out. "I care about you. At least, I'm starting to."

"you're wasting your time. don't bother." Winter averted her gaze somewhere.

"I know this is hard for you and even for myself. But, I've committed to this, Winter. I... I like you." Karina finally confessed. She can't hide it any longer.

Winter looks back at her. honestly, Winter haven't got the chance to figure her feelings out. she's been too busy distracting herself and denying everything she feels.

"I don't know, Karina. I don't wanna disappoint anyone anymore."

Karina realized, that it's true that she haven't heard the whole explanation from Winter. That night when Winter wanted to divorce, Karina just processed it raw and didn't think of anything else.

"I don't get it." Karina said looking away.

"of course, you don't. look who's selfish, now." Winter shakes her head and scoffs. "don't force yourself. I can't go on if we keep putting on an act in front of everyone."

"I'm not acting! Jesus Christ. When will you understand?" Karina stands up in frustration. "I really want this to work, Winter. Not for them but for our relationship. I have feelings for you and I'm tired of denying it." Karina stands close to Winter, looking down at her.

Cat caught her tongue. Winter can't say anything to respond to that. she just looks up at Karina, confused. At that moment, she sees Karina shed a tear. Probably desperate for Winter to understand her. 'oh no' she thought. Immediately, Winter stands up and hugs her. The walls that Winter built suddenly collapsed.

"stop crying. Not in front of me." Winter is stuck, not moving one bit.

"why is it so hard to get to you, Winter? I really want us to work out. you always ruin everything." Karina cries out on Winter's shoulder.

Winter stays silent. This makes Karina even more frustrated.

"say something!" Karina pushes her away.

"if that's what you want. Then... okay." Winter looks anywhere but Karina's face.

"you're unbelievable." Karina rushes to get her bag and leaves her, not forgetting to slam the door.

Winter sits back at her desk. Hands covering her face, she cries for the first time in years. Is this heartbreak? Am I really attracted to her? she thought to herself.

"it's just the sex, right?" Winter sucks in all her tears and wipes her face.

With that, she shakes it off again, denying herself.

BEYOND THE COVERS (WINRINA AU)Where stories live. Discover now