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Winter is currently in her office, calling her mother. She tells her all her concerns and worries.

"you should open up more. I miss you being like this." her mother responded.

"it's just... it makes me vulnerable and I hate it. I don't want people to think I'm weak." Winter massages her own temples.

"there's nothing wrong with expressing your feelings, sweetheart. We're humans. It's totally acceptable."

"not for me. it's embarrassing, mom. I even cried. Me, Winter, cried. What a disappointment." She sighs, lowering her voice.

Winter take a glance at Rose. She then walks towards Winter. Rose actually overheard their conversation. She thought that she can relieve some stress from her boss.

"ma'am. You look... weary." Rose leans on the desk, supporting herself with her hands. She makes sure that her cleavage is fully visible for Winter.

"I'll call you back, mom." Winter puts her phone on the desk.

"what's your offer?" Winter leans back.

"it's been a while." Rose reaches for her tie and pulls it towards her. "it's lunch time. everyone's out."

"so?" Winter looks at her eyes. Rose rarely seduce her like this.

"my office is available. I'll let you do anything, ma'am." Rose runs her finger on Winter's jaw.

"you know that I have a wife, right?" Winter smirks. Easy for her to just play around.

"I recall, you still used me the other day." Rose bit her lip.

"what are you guys doing?!"

The wife appears on the door, watching them flirting with each other. Rose looks back at Karina, stands up slowly and walks back to her office.

"fire that bitch, right now!" Karina storms in towards Winter, banging the desk.

"we're just talking, Karina." Winter leans back on her chair. "you can't just fire anyone I talk to."

"you talk to? I know what you've been doing with her. you asshole." Karina slaps her.

"I'm not! not anymore! She fucking seduced me!" Winter stands up.

"glad you're honest." Karina glared at her. "here. Happy fucking birthday!" Karina roughly places a box of cake in front of her.

Winter stares at the cake. Birthday? She thought. It's been a while since someone remembers. She chases Karina before she can leave the room.

"hey, wait!" Winter grabs her shirt. "t-thank you." Winter stands still. Karina turns to her slowly.

"save that talk for later. I gotta go." Karina turns around. "meet you at home." She then walks away.

Winter returns to her desk. She opens the small box and takes out the cake. There's a little heart on top of it.

"Rose!" Winter calls her. Rose soon stands in front of her. "you don't have to work tomorrow... and the day after." Winter smiles at her. "you're dismissed. Feel free to take your things and get out of here."

"but... what did I do?" Rose widened her eyes, holding her chest.

"you don't need to know. I'll give you your last pay."


Meanwhile, Karina is seeing Soobin in her office. She serves him with a glass of wine. It's already late in the evening and they have some free time.

"can we stop talking about her? if you're so irritated, why don't you just leave? You can find someone better, anyway?" Soobin sips his drink.

"like who? You?" Karina chuckles. "I'm just... I don't know how to make it right. I really want this to work out."

"I can say that it's me. I am better than her. your mom likes me, your dad is really happy about our affiliation, and I will care for you." Soobin crosses his legs, leans back on the couch.

"you also have a lot of confidence."

"see? that's a good thing. I can give you anything you want. Even, what your family wants." Soobin continues to brag.

"oh, please. whatever it is you offer, I already had it all." Karina smiles to herself.

"fair enough." Soobin purses his lips. "I'm trying to help. You're over here talking all over the place about her but what is she doing? Probably sleeping with other chicks to run away. Don't you feel like it's only you who want to work it out?"

"I haven't heard anything from Vivian. I don't think she's out there." Karina doubts it. Maybe she's just denying.

"really? Call her then." Soobin dares out of nowhere. "ask where she is. You should know whether she's lying or not, right?"

Karina sighs. That's not a bad idea so she picks up her phone and calls her.

"yes?" Winter answers. Karina can hear some noises of girls and guys around her, the music is can be heard a little too.

"where are you?" she asked.

"I'm with my friend. What's up?" Winter's tone was calm. Seems like she's hiding nothing.

"what's their name?" she asks again.

"Ryujin." Winter pauses. "why did you call so suddenly? you're still at work?"

"nothing. Yes, I'm in my office." Karina looks at Soobin. "I'll see you later." Karina hangs up before Winter can answer.

"how's it?" Soobin asked.

"she's telling the truth. She even asked about me, which she never does. Look, I get that you want to help, but you don't have to go that far." Karina sighs.

"did she mentions a name? I can probably tell you what she's doing with them."

"so you know a girl named Ryujin?"

"hm..." Soobin rubs his chin. "if I'm not mistaken, she should be working at a bar, clubs, casinos. She owns lots of properties too. She didn't tell you where exactly she is at, right? It's possible that she's in one of those places." Soobin smirks.

"you think so?" Karina startsto doubt her again. "I'll talk to her, then." 

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