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After months of their reconciliation, they both continues on with their life ordinarily like any other couple. It doesn't feel like marriage anymore. They're just entering their girlfriends' phase.

Having some free time, Winter meets Giselle at the bar.

"I'm glad you worked it out." Giselle responds to her after she talks about Karina.

"we did. I'm glad too."

"so, I guess, you already confessed?" Giselle smiles at her.

"about what?" Winter raises an eyebrow.

"that you're whipped for her, duh."

"do I need to?" Winter sighs.

"she can't read your mind. What is she, a psychic?" Giselle rolls her eyes. "you need to lower your ego for once."

"being in a relationship is hard." Winter scratches her head. "no wonder I used to hate it."

"so you love it, now?" Giselle smirks, teasing her.

"no. it's still pissing me off." Winter said with a straight face. Then her phone rings. "oh, it's her."

Giselle shakes her head and just watch her friend.

"I'm with Giselle." Winter looks at her. "I'm with her only. At a bar." Winter looks down. "alright. See ya."

"oh god... you're so not romantic. What the hell was that? 'see ya.'" Giselle mocks her. "are you talking with your friend?"

"feel free to judge, shithead." Winter rolls her eyes.


Arriving at home, Winter is surprised when she sees Karina in her suit and tie. Looks like it's Winter's since Karina never wear a tie before. Karina also holds a short leather whip. Winter gulps.

"kneel." Karina points down with her whip.

Winter immediately drops down. She's clearly clueless about what will happen to her.

Karina pulls out something from behind her. it looks like a belt but shorter. She walks towards Winter and put it on her neck. There's also a leather leash attached to it.

"you can only speak when I allowed you. until then, you're not allowed to make any sound. Clear?"

"yes, ma'am"

SLAP. Karina whips her chest.

"I said no sound, didn't I?" Karina uses her leash to pull Winter towards the bed.

Winter nods in respond. She crawls on all four on the bed, following Karina.

"I've been wanting to do this. but since you fuck up, you regretted it didn't you?" Karina smirks.

"do what you like, ma'am." Winter dares to speak. This is all because she wants Karina to slap her again.

"oh, my little puppy. Are you that desperate?" Karina knows what she likes. So, she slaps her again with the whip. "strip. I wanna see you."

Winter hurries to do so. Then, Karina slaps her thigh.


Winter continues, taking her time until there's to fabric left to cover her body.

"good." Karina runs the tip of the whip from Winter's cheek to her abdomen. She then lands a hard slap on it, leaving a red mark on her. "turn around." After that she positioned the leash backwards. "bend over."

Winter gets nervous. Karina keeps surprising her with things. thank god it's all her favorite. She then feels another whip on her ass. It's going for about a minute before Karina stops. She can feel her dick twitches in excitement.

"as expected, you like being weak in front of me." Karina then spreads her legs open. "tell me. do you like the idea of me fucking you?"

"I don't-" SLAP. Winter forgot about that. she then shakes her head.

"you don't? you never tried it, though." Karina smirks. She runs her whip on Winter's back for a bit and gives it a good slap. "would you like to?"

Winter hesitated. She closes her eyes. SLAP. She shot her eyes open.

"I told you be mute. Not deaf." Karina said sternly. Winter finally nods her head slowly. "Good."

Karina pulls out a bottle of lube and squirts it all over Winter's ass. Her hands works on Winter's fold to further prepare her.

"just relax." Karina spoke a little softly.

The next thing she pulls out is a medium sized dildo. She thought that this won't hurt her that much, right? She wears it on herself quickly since she tested it out before all this. she also put some lube on the dildo as well.

Winter gulps. Karina is really preparing her, rubbing her asshole to lube it up really well. Then she feels something enters her. it hurts a little and it's moving. She thought that it's just her finger.

"there you go." Karina is satisfied. Winter will be able to adjust quickly. Without any warning, Karina forces the toy to enter her wife's tight hole. She's going pretty slow, though.

Winter screams in pain. Then, a whip lands on her back, near her shoulder. Winter can no longer supports herself. She uses her elbows at the very least. That only makes the toy go even deeper.

Karina starts to move in and out of her slowly, adding more lube if necessary. It didn't take long until she can move freely. One hand on the leash, the other keeps whipping Winter's whole back, she lands them to all of the place she can reach.

Winter holds the pain herself. But soon, this turns into a mixture of pain and pleasure. Her dick starts to grow eager; it spurts some precum on the bed.

"speak." Karina commanded. She wants to hear the sound of Winter's pleasure. Clearly, she notices that Winter really starting to enjoys this.

"oh, god..." Winter moans, looking back. Karina then pulls the leash to make her get up on her knees. "fuck!"

"I'm fucking you right now, sweety." Karina whispers in her ear. She throws the whip somewhere and let go of the leash. Two hands grabs on Winter's breasts, kneading them as well as supporting Winter.

Winter then moves her hand to Karina's butt, begging her to go deeper.

"you adjust pretty quickly. Should I buy you a bigger one next time?" Karina said as her hand moves towards her hardened penis. "you want me to give you a hand too?" she runs her finger along the shaft, teasing the girl.

"yes, ma'am. Please."

BEYOND THE COVERS (WINRINA AU)Where stories live. Discover now