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Coming down from their highs. Karina gets back on Winter's lap and rests her head on Winter's forehead. They both closed their eyes.

Winter sees Karina's agape lips, she's tempted. Erasing all her pride, Winter leans in slowly and finally crashed their lips together.

Karina gets a little taken aback, thinking that she wants another round. So, she takes control of the pace, making it rough and hard, probably will bleed the other girl.

"no." Winter pulled away. She looks at her with a gloomier gaze. She then leans in again, this time, she controls the pace. She sighs in relieve, being able to taste Karina's lips. Taking her time, she caresses her cheeks with both hands, deepening the kiss too.

"what was that? first, you went out of character and now you wanna go all soft?" Karina asked after they pulled away.

Being embarrassed, Winter looks outside the window.

"what's wrong?" she asked again, being more careful. "did I hurt you too much?"

"it's not that." Winter replied still not looking at Karina.

Karina sighs. She grabs Winter's chin gently and turns her face towards her. looking closely, there's some blood coming from her lips. Her neck too, has bruises all over it.

"let's take care of that... and your back too." Karina gathers her clothes and quickly put it back on.

She then goes to bathroom to take a med-kit for her. going back, she sees that Winter already wearing her boxers and sport bra. Karina sits on the edge of the bed, facing Winter.

"sorry for that. I thought you want another round." Karina wipes Winter's lips with a cotton ball. After it's clean enough, she takes a new one. "let me see your back."

Winter turns around and just let Karina take care of her. she hissed at some point since it's stinging a bit. After that, Karina returns the med-kit and lays beside Winter. Still, there's a little gap between them.

"can we not fight anymore? You can just ask if you want it." Karina opens up. Looking at Winter, she sighs again. The space between them making her uncomfortable so she moves closer to Winter. "I don't know why you hate me in the first place. If you just use me for sex, it's fine. It's just tiring to have an argument with you."

Still, no answer from her. little did she know, Winter is thinking about all the insults that she got from Karina. Somehow, some of them gets into her head. despite the excitement, she knows that Karina didn't make those up. It is all from her heart and mind and that's the only time she can express it.

"I do hate you at some point." Winter finally looks at Karina. "like at the time you wore that gown at the afterparty, when you talk too much when we eat, when you're too worried about stuff, and some other things."

"okay. I'm glad you said something." Karina folds her arms.

"I'm not using you for sex. If I did, I'll do it every day if I could." Winter added. "I feel like you're the one that hates me."

"I never hate you. I just don't like how you deal with things, how you work, how you live. That's why I feel pressured to be with you since you're far from my ideal partner." Karina explained.

"ideal partner..." Winter scoffed, kind of mocking her. "you must be shitting me right now."

"you wouldn't get it." Karina sighs. "I don't know why I said all this to you. maybe I have nowhere else to go but to be stuck with you."

"I won't prevent you from leaving." Winter remembers the contract.

Then Winter's phone rings. It's Ryujin. Winter hurriedly picks up.

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