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Four months has passed. Winter is enjoying her free time with Karina in their room.

"who's that?" Winter asks. Karina's phone keeps ringing and it's pissing her off. "just pick it up."

"it's Soobin. Just let it be." Karina declines the call.

"ugh... you can just talk at the office, right? It's not like it's the appropriate time to call for a business purpose." Winter rolls her eyes.

"are you jealous?" Karina pokes her cheek. "that's cute."

"that's not funny." Winter slaps her hand away. Then, her phone starts to ring again. "geez. What the hell does he wants?" Winter rushes to grab her phone and picks it up.

"finally! How have you been? Are you alright? You didn't pick up my phone."

"why should my wife picks up for another guy?" Winter said coldly.

"oh, Winter." he pauses. "I'm just checking her. seems like she's a bit down."

"is that so? I guess it's because all the fucking we did."

Karina snatches her phone immediately.

"sorry for that. I didn't think she'd go that far. We'll talk at the company, okay?" Karina then hurriedly hangs up.

"that's not nice." Karina slaps her arm.

"you should slap me somewhere else." Winter smirks.

"really?" Karina returns the teasing. "I bought new toys for you."

"oh no." Winter's expression turns into a nervous one.

"oh, yes, baby."


After a few days, Winter visited Ryujin again.

"oh god!" Ryujin exclaimed, looking at Winter's neck. "did you marry a monster?"

"shut up." Winter sits at her usual place.

"damn, she must be crazy."

"you talk about her one more time, I'll shove these chips into your throat." Winter stares at her.

"okay, chill." Ryujin sits beside her. "still the same bet?"

"I'll just watch." Winter crosses her arms and legs.

"whaaa... you're kidding?" Ryujin points at her.

"what part of my face tells you I'm kidding?" Winter stares back at her.

"alright. Suit yourself."

Winter enjoys her time watching the games. Well, she mostly judges them. Regardless, it's fun to watch people lose when they can win, vice versa. Spending almost two hours, Winter cracks her neck.

"people are stupid." Winter sighs.

"indeed. you're still better." Ryujin nods in approval.

"better? I'm the best." Winter smirks. "I wanna see him play. Then, I'm out of here."

"aw... what a good wife~" Ryujin mocks her, joking around.

"I swear to god... if you-"

"I'm just joking, bud. Relax. I won't tell anyone about your kinks." Ryujin whispers the last part.

Winter raise her fist, ready to hit her. Ryujin make defends by putting her hands up in front of her chest.

"you're lucky I like you."


On her way home, Winter receives a call from Karina. She picks up and put it on speaker.

"are you on your way home? I have something to tell you."

"is it urgent? There's some traffic going on." Winter hits her horn a few times.

"kind of. Please hurry."

"alright I'll be there ASAP."

Karina hangs up the call immediately. Usually she'll say 'have a safe drive', 'take care', or 'see you'. hearing this, Winter think that it's quite urgent. She pounds the horn a few times again while trying to swerve through the cars.

After about half an hour, she finally arrives. She runs towards her room, expecting something bad happened. Instead, Karina is sitting peacefully on the bed. Winter doesn't know whether she should be excited or afraid. The last toy she used hurts like hell.

"hi!" Karina stands up and kisses her on the cheek. "I have a gift."

"it's not... my birthday..." Winter gets confused.

"here." Karina pulls out a box from behind her. "open it."

Winter stares at the small box. Her heart races, hands shaking a little. she shouldn't be nervous.

"holy shit!" Winter exclaimed when she sees a test pack with positive sign on it. She gulps. "I... wait. What? How?"

"you seem... not happy." Karina looks at Winter.

Winter walks towards the bed, sits on it. Still staring at the test-pack, she's scared. Karina follows her.

"do you still.... Don't want a child?" Karina feels a lump on her throat.

"I just..." Winter takes her time to think. "I'm not ready yet."

"but it happened, Winter. that's what happened when we have sex." Karina holds her hand.

"but I..." Winter is stuck again. Until now, she doesn't know what she's afraid of. "I don't know what to feel about this."

Winter looks at her wife who's sitting beside her. she looks down at her stomach and reaches for it. She rubs it lightly and sighs.

"this is ours. Our baby. What are you thinking?" Karina let a tear fall on her cheek.

"this is scaring me. what if... she... or he... hates me. just like I hate my dad. I don't want them to be like me. I'm a bad person."

"you used to be." Karina caress her head. "if that's what you're scared of, I'm sure we'll be able to take care of them. We can teach them to be a better person."

"will it work? What if we can't?" Winter shakes her head. "I have nothing to offer to them."

"if you don't want this child, I can raise them alone." Karina really wants this. she wants to have it as long as it's from Winter.

"but it's my... kid too." Winter looks down. "let's tell our parents. Maybe it'll assure me."

BEYOND THE COVERS (WINRINA AU)Where stories live. Discover now