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Entering her mansion, she's greeted by Giselle and Vivian. Winter hurriedly hides her hands inside her jacket's pockets.

"hey! Where have you been?" Giselle asks. Winter and Ryujin joins her on the couch.

"what's on your hands?" Karina noticed.

"nothing. It's just a little cold." Winter lied.

"thanks for inviting us. Since she's here, we'll leave." Vivian stands up.

"already? I haven't talked to her in months." Giselle looks up at Vivian.

Vivian just looks at her, giving her a sign to just leave them to talk. Giselle stands up too then they bid their goodbyes.

"now, please tell me where you've been?" Karina stares at her deeply.

"we're at a café. That's it." Winter tried to convince her.

"hands out." Karina commands.

Hesitatingly, Winter takes out her hands.

"I'll probably just leave." Ryujin stands up.

"you stay here. I don't want lies coming from her mouth." Karina stated. Then, she notices the bruises on her hands. "oh god. What happened to you?!" Karina rushes to her and checks her hand. "what kind of café got you like this?"

"just tell her." Ryujin nudges her arm.

"we're at a casino." Winter lowers her head.

"all this time? do you have some kind of addiction or something?" Karina sits beside her.

"no. of course, not." Winter still looks down.

"she stops a long time ago too." Ryujin helps Winter.

"is that true?" Karina looks at Winter.

"yes. I didn't play since... I think... when we're on a break." Winter looks at Karina.

"then what is this? why are your hands like that?" Karina sounds worried.

"someone forced her to play." Ryujin answers for her since Winter feels embarrassed.

"who? I wanna see them." Karina is furious only she can leave marks on Winter.

"no. you don't have to. I win. We're done." Winter holds her hands.

"tell me." Karina glares at her.

"stop covering everything, Winter. it's Soobin. They also bet on you." Ryujin stops Karina before she can talk. "she's forced. You know how prideful she is."

"I really hate you right now." Winter looks at Ryujin.

"dude, I'm helping you. I know you like her being angry at you and all but you need to be honest with her too." Ryujin defends herself.

"oh... so she knows?" Karina smiles a little. "thank you Ryujin. You can leave if you want."

"you're welcome. I'll leave her to you, then." Ryujin smirks at them and leave.

"why didn't you tell me? I won't be mad if you go gambling." Karina leads Winter towards the bedroom. They both sits on the bed. Winter takes off her jacket and put it on her chair.

"I don't want you to accuse me of anything. I can only meet her there and I like the casino. People wins and loses their money. The way they play. I admire them." Winter opens up.

"if you're honest, I won't accuse you, Winter." Karina rubs her swollen hands. "I don't want any more secrets between us. Promise?"


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