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The couple finally has a free day to meet their parents. They decided to just call them to their mansion.

"you guys looks serious." Mr. Yoo wonders. "before you say anything, we already prepared all your needs for the divorce. We have lawyers too."

"dad..." Karina stops her father. "we don't want a divorce." She smiles. "you will be a grandparent."

The parents are surprised. They haven't heard from them for a long time and suddenly, they announced this news.

"what? I thought you don't want one." Mr. Kim looks at Winter.

"oh god. You shouldn't have kids with her! What were you thinking?" Mrs. Yoo massages her temples.

"that's a great news!" Mr. Yoo stands up and hugs his daughter. "whoa... I can't wait to touch him... or her, whatever you are." Mr. Yoo rubs her belly.

"you will, dad." Karina smiles at her father's reaction.

"I'm sorry that I'm not the one you expected to be the parent of your grandkids." Winter said to Karina's mother. She then looks down.

"I won't meddle anymore and I don't want to. You should know that you deserve better, Karina. Mark my words." Mrs. Yoo stands up. "I'll wait in the car."

"wait, honey." Mr. Yoo extended his hand to reach for her arm but she ignores him. "ah... I'm sorry."

"it's okay, sir. This is all unplanned, anyway. I guess we can let them choose their own life from now." Mr. Kim stated.

"I'm so proud of you." once again Mr. Yoo hugs Karina. "I'll still check up on you, okay? Take care of yourself." Mr. Yoo then turns to Winter. "please take care of her. even if you don't love her or even like her, I want you to protect her. especially the baby."

Winter just nods. This will be a huge responsibility for her which she didn't even think of.

"I'll make sure she will. It's my grandkid too." Mr. Kim places his hand on Mr. Yoo's shoulder.

"thank you for everything, sir. This is already more than the contract. I appreciate it." Mr. Yoo said to him.

"we become a family, after all."


A few days has passed. Winter plops down on her bed. It's 4 in the evening and Karina is still sleeping beside her.

Winter is not the type that gets scared easily. But, thinking of having a child terrified her. she can't even take care of herself let alone another person. A baby in this matter.

"Winter..." Karina turns around. "I'm hungry."

"I'll ask them to prepare the food, now." Winter tiredly gets up and goes to the kitchen.

She sees a few maids already preparing their dinner.

"are these safe for pregnant woman?" Winter checks the food.

"I believe so, ma'am. Mr. Kim has already warned us."

"okay. Hurry up."

Winter then walks back upstairs. she opens the door and Karina is not on the bed. The sound of someone choking then enters her ear. She rushes to the bathroom and found Karina kneels in front of the toilet.

"are you okay?" Winter helps her with her hair. "are you not feeling well? Should we go to the doctor?"

"I'm okay, Winter. we'll go to the doctor next week." Karina then stands up with Winter helping her.

"oh..." Winter clears her throat. "they're preparing the food."

"do we have cheesecake? I also want some pie." Karina and Winter walks back to the bed.

"I didn't see them. Should I buy some?" Winter offers.

"please???" Karina leans towards her.


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