Nerd of my Dreams Chapter 8

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The outfit for this chapter is in the EXTERNAL link which is over there---->


Today is Monday! Yesterday was Sunday! The day before that was Saturday! And the day before that was Friday! Yeah bitch! I know the days of the week too! I rolled out of the bed and hit the shower. Today is going to be a swell day! I’m going to pass all of my tests, do good at basketball practice, and have freaking good ass time today! Or so I hope. I dried off after I got out the shower and went back into my room and to my closet. What should I where today?

I put on a pair of dark wash shorts from Hollister, a yellow tank top with a cute giraffe on it, a button down over it, and a pair of grey Converse. I was running a little late today so I decided to leave my hair in its natural state. I went back into my bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. I carefully put on some pale pick eye shadow, brown eyeliner, lip balm, and mascara. After that, I went downstairs, grabbed an apple, the keys to my parents’ car, and my book bag from the kitchen table. I unlocked the door to their car and sped off towards school.

At school, I walked down the hallways to Gregg’s locker. Where is that boy? I was standing at his locker by myself for five minutes until he finally showed up. And let me tell ya, five minutes all alone feels like an hour. “Where have you been? I’ve been waiting an hour for you!” Gregg raised an eyebrow at me. “It was like five minutes but it felt so much longer!”

“I woke up late and there was some accident on one of the roads.”

“Gregg, have you heard of an alarm clock? What are you wearing?” I asked scanning him over. He was wearing an awful pair of jeans and a striped shirt. His hair was messy- not in the cute way- and his glasses were a little crooked. “What the hell happened to you? Did your mom pick out your clothes today?” I sighed irritably. “Meet me at my locker in two minutes.” I started to walk off before remembering one last thing, “Good Morning by the way!”

He mumbled and I laughed as I walked down the hallway. On the way, I saw Stef at Jordan’s locker. They are seriously adorable together! I stopped by and said hi then was back on my way to my locker. I put my things in my locker and waited for Gregg to come.

“You’re late,” I replied tapping my foot as he made his way closer to me. When he got closer, I noticed the black bruise forming on his eye and immediately became concerned. “What happened?”

“Nothing,” he mumbled avoiding eye contact.

I looked over his face and noticed a small cut on his chin and the fact that overall, he looked very disheveled.

“Was there really an accident or were you making that up?”

“There was an accident,” he looked away from me so I couldn’t see his black eye. I reached out a shaky hand to touch his cheek. He flinched from my touch and backed away. “I need to get to homeroom, I’ll see you around.”

“Gregg, don’t walk away from me,” I shouted after him but he kept going. I ran to catch up with him. “Let me help you,” I placed my hand on his shoulder and he just shrugged it off. I was not going to let him push me away. Oh hell no. I pulled on his arm and tugged him to the closest girls’ bathroom. The girls in there gave me strange looks when they saw me drag Gregg in there. Ignoring the girls, I tugged Gregg into the handicap stall because that was the biggest one. “Stay.”

I walked out of the stall and grabbed some paper towels and wetted them. The girl next to me didn’t try to hide her stares. “There’s nothing to look at little freshman. Run along.” In the stall I wiped the blood off of Gregg’s chin. “Who did this to you?”

“A couple of guys,” he mumbled.


“I don’t know,” he mumbled which I knew was a lie because guys don’t just beat up guys for no reason do they?

“You’re lying,” I accused.

“I’m not,” I could tell that he was starting to get really irritated so I was just going to drop it for now.

I ran my fingers through his hair in an attempt to make it look good. I touched his tender eye and looked at it closely. “I think we need to go down to the nurse to get some ice.”

He grabbed a hold of my wrist and brought my hand back down to my side. “I’m fine Jenna. Just drop it!”

I clenched my jaw and glared. “I care about you and you’re hurt! I’m not going to drop it! Look at me! I’m going to help you because I care about you and I want you to be okay!”

“You deserve someone better than me; someone as nice, popular, athletic, and beautiful as you. Jenna you need someone that can take care of you.”

“Stop. I want you okay? You’re what I want! If I really wanted one of those other guys than I wouldn’t be here with you right now you big idiot!” He didn’t say anything back.  I stood up on my tippy toes and gave him a soft kiss on his jaw. I pulled back and looked at him. “What is it going to take for you to finally understand that?” I whispered. I lightly kissed his jaw again. Gregg tensed up. I kissed him softly on the lips.

“Jenna this is not the time,” he groaned.

“Then I’m going to make it the time,” I kissed him again and stepped forward so he would be against the wall. Eventually, he kissed me back. I wrapped my arms around his torso and hugged him. “You need some ice,” I whispered against his chest.

He rubbed circles on my lower back. “Fine.” We left the bathroom with Gregg’s arm around my waist.

“Hey Gregg,” I looked up at him as we walked down the deserted hallway towards the nurse’s office.


“Don’t ever yell at me again.”

“I won’t,” he kissed the top of my head.

“Damn straight you won’t,” I smiled up at him.

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