Chapter 23!

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"So... what, you're...?"

"I'm gay Jenna."

Chris's demeanor was completely serious. He isn't stutter. Didn't avoid eye contact.

My jaw instinctively dropped at the bomb he dumped on me.

What. The. Fudge.

Maybe I should start at the beginning....


Once again I had found myself leaving lunch early. Gregg though it'd be okay to flirt with another girl. Well, he said he was just being polite, but I wasn't born yesterday.

On my way to the bathroom, Chris approached me. He looked kind of bothers like he had something important to say. All I could do was raise an eyebrow at his inquisitive behavior. I seriously don't know what's been going on with him.

"What do you want?"

He sighed and rubbed his face. "I need to talk to you. I... I have no one else."

I sort of felt bad for him. His eyes dropped slightly and he looked broken.

"Uh, well, I could come over later?" I'd suggest my place but my dad would kill Chris if he saw him.

"I'll have to ask my mom. Could I text you maybe when I find out?" I nodded. My bladder wasn't cooperating with our conversation so I was bouncing a little. "Number the same?" Once again I nodded.

"Yeah, well I really need to use the bathroom. See ya." I rushed into the bathroom for the second time that week wondering what it was that he might need to talk about.

Chris had shot me a text before school let out to let me know where we'd meet and what time. With my basketball practice, I'd have to meet him later.

I had stayed after for practice and had a friend and teammate drop me off at my place. Riding to school with Gregg could be post at times like this when I was left without a car.

"Bye girl!" I waved as my friend drove off.

Inside, I washed up quickly and changed into more lounge like clothing. I had to meet Chris at a local cafe in no time.

By the time I made it there, I was completely out of breath. My bangs were slightly sticking to my forehead.

Chris looked relieved when he caught my eye. Turns out he thought I wouldn't show.

"I keep my word," I told him in all seriousness.

Although we were in a secluded section, Chris looked hesitant to tell me what he needed to.

"So at Juvie, I met this... guy. T-tanner." He cleared his throat and looked away. "He was a cool dude. Kind of on the small side. We would sit together during meals and hang out during recession." For a while he didn't say anything else.

"Is there more to this story or did you just want to tell me about a friend you made?"

"That's the thing. This guy. Tanner. I became... entranced with him. The way his hair was. His defiance. His brilliance. I became," Chris's eyes swelled with tears. "infatuated with him. I was in there for a while -you know that. In all that time, we became close but I never told him why I was in there. But he told me his story. He was bullied. By a guy like me. At that point, I knew that when I told him, everything would end. I would lose him." His face got red and his eyes continued to water. I reached over to console him.

"Is that what happened?" He looked down at his lap and cleared his throat.

"Yeah," he answered in a gruff voice. "I lost the love of my life."



SURPRISE! He is GAY! AHAHAHAHAH (evil laugh)

Im not sure what made me make him gay but me likey and shit's about ta get real soon

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