Nerd of my Dreams chapter 19!

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I invited Gregg over to help me with Math. I was seriously hoping he'd turn into his nerdy self for at least an hour maybe.

"Knock, knock," he opened my door.

"Hey babe," I grinned.

"Let's get to the math!" he clapped his hands with enthusiasm.

"Right! I'm really struggling with the quadratic equations."

"Awesome, I love those actually. You'll be a pro in no time."

"Great. My teacher has been on my ass ever since school started about my math skills. Or my lack of math skills rather."

He laughed. So where's your book?

"Um, right over here."

I tossed my book to him and he caught it. Gregg started to find the chapter for it.

"Let's see... Alright, quadratic functions. Here we go."

An hour into the study session, my head was hurting but I was feeling more confident in what I was learning. I could now grasp what was going on when I set up the equations.

"So if there's like numbers with a common factor, you can divide by it to simplify?"

"Yeah. That way the equations will be less complicated when you go to solve it. You're getting the hang of it," he smiled proudly at me.

I smiled back. "Thanks for helping me."

"Anything for you," he grinned and reached for a pizza roll, "and the snacks your mom made are pretty amazing so I can't complain."

I hit him with a pillow. He laughed and tried to throw one back but I successfully dodged it. His eyes narrowed at mine before he jumped on me.

"No!" I screamed right before he started to tickle me. He grinned as he tortured me.

"Stop it," I started to fake cry. "You're hurting me."

His expression went from amused to cautious and alert in just a second. He quickly got off me, sitting on his heels. I smirked as I jumped on top of him.

"Gotcha," I whispered before kissing him.

My hands were on his hard chest and his were underneath my shirt, resting on my hips.

"You suck," he murmured. It's kinda funny because after he said that, he didn't complain or put up a fight when I tried to slip my tongue in. Instead, he parted his lips and let me have my way.

I pulled away after prying Gregg's hangs off my waist. "It'll be real quick!" I got off him to go lock my door.

I turned back to Gregg to see him propped up on his elbows. I climbed up onto my bed and pulled my shirt over my head. Gregg's arms circled around my waist and pulled me down.

"Now what is this?" he murmured huskily.

"I don't know, I'm just feeling a little naughty." I shifted so my hips rocked into his.

"Is that right?"

"Yeah, baby."

He flipped me over and started to kiss my neck and squeeze my thigh. My back arched and I wrapped my legs around his waist.

"This good?" I could feel his friend poking against my tummy and it made me crave him like crazy.

"Uh huh," I was breathless. "But I want more."

"More of what?" he kissed on my neck.

"You. I want more of you."

I tugged his shirt off and flipped us over so I could be on top again.

I licked over his abs and bit at random spots.

More clothes were being taken off and soon, we were both under my covers, kissing and touching each other.

He drove me crazy every time he'd squeeze me or suck on my skin. He was becoming an addiction. I just couldn't stop it. Everything he did felt so good and I didn't want him to stop.

"I think that this has been a successful study session," he chuckled as he held me close.

"If I was taking anatomy, I'm sure I'd pass."

"Glad I could teach you something."

"Mmhmm, I'm glad you could teach me." I kissed his collarbone. He groaned and squeezed me.

"Babe, I'm tired. Can't I just hold you?"

"Sure. I need to say something but I don't know how to say it."

"What is it?"

"I don't want you to change. I want you to be your old self when you're around me. I want to be with Gregg. Gray seems awesome, but I want Gregg. Gregg drives me crazy. I want to lose my virg$$inity to Gregg, not Gray." I felt my cheeks heat up as soon as the last sentence left my mouth.

I buried my head in his chest.

"I want to lose my virg$$inity to you too."

"You do?"

"Who else would I want to share a moment as special as that with?"

"Well um, I don't know."

"Well it's you angel."

My face remained hidden against his chest. I could feel the erratic beat of his heart and was in love with the sound. In this moment, I was at perfect peace, wrapped up in Gregg's arms and listening to the beat of his heart.


merp. :)

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