Nerd of my Dreams chapter 7

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Okay so i honestly need help picking jenna. should i do the one with the heart or the one with the star(they're stickers on the picture)?

Please help, i'm torn between the two!

Chapter 7


I groaned when I heard the sound of someone knocking on my door. Who is waking me up so early in the morning and why!? "Come in," I groaned rolling over onto my side.

"Babe, it's me," I felt better about waking up when I heard Jenna's voice. I opened my eyes and looked at her hazy body. I rubbed my eyes and reached an arm out to my nightstand and felt around for my glasses. When I got them on and looked up at Jenna, she was smiling at me.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm glad to see you and all, but why are you here so early? It's liked 6 in the morning Jen," today she was wearing a Greenville High sweatshirt and dark wash skinny jeans. Only she could make such a plain outfit look as good as she makes it.

"For someone with outstanding grades, you can be a tad slow sometimes," Jenna walked over to my bed and crawled over to me. She sat down and I rested an arm around her shoulders.  "It's past one in the afternoon. You didn't even go to church today!"

I rubbed my eyes again with my free hand, "I guess I'm really tired?" I shrugged and stared at the black screen of my TV.

"Boys are so stupid," she muttered to herself and played with strands of my hair. Closing my eyes and breathing in deeply, I enjoyed the feeling of her fingers running through my hair.

"Or maybe you just think that we are because you don't understand what we go through on a daily basis," I smiled down at her. "We boys have it really hard." I knew that she wouldn't agree, but it was fun to pick with her. I knew I said something wrong when she abruptly stopped playing with my hair and scooted away from me.

"Oh, so boys are the ones that carry around unborn human beings in their uteruses for nine months? They're the ones who have to go through PMS and experience bleeding from you Vagina every month? Boys also have to deal with being called sluts, whores, hoes, and bitches behind their backs? I didn't know that boys went through all that. Thanks for enlightening me." I winced at the mentioning of girls' time of the month. Yikes! If we could slowly step away from the topic...

"Sorry, I was only trying to mess with you. I know girls have it pretty hard. I didn't mean to offend you and your friends," I kissed her forehead and she shied away from my touch. I frowned. "What's wrong?"

"You just offended not only me and my friends but also half of the world's entire population!" Good grief, what have I done? "You just messed with the wrong girl. That's what you just did!"

"Did I say that out loud?" I asked her. She gave me this annoyed look that showed me that she couldn't believe me.  I must admit that she looks cute when she's upset.

"Like I said before, you can be so slow! Weren't you doing Calculus yesterday? Isn't that hard? You have to be smart to take that class right?"

"Yeah..." where was she getting at?

"So, you must be smart as well. See, I'm trying to figure out how someone as brilliant as you can have such... lapses in common sense and good judgment. For example, shouldn't you know to not offend your girlfriend along with half of the world's population?" I blanked after she called herself my girlfriend. When did that happen? Don't get me wrong, I'm terribly happy; I just can't remember when I asked her out, or if I ever asked her out for that matter.

"Girlfriend?" slowly, the color began to drain from Jenna's face.

"I-I, umm, get dressed! We have a busy day ahead of us!" Jenna quickly scurried off my bed and out of my room, leaving me to figure out what was going on between us. We haven't even gone out on a date yet...well I don't think that we've gone out yet. We went to the mall, a basketball game, and a few other places but they weren't dates. Wait, were they dates? I guess Jenna is right: I am slow.  I didn't think that we were going out because I thought dates were going to a nice dinner and seeing a moving or doing something after. Shit, I always find myself in bad positions. I got up, got some clothes from my drawers, and took a shower. As I washed up, I played every encounter with Jenna in my head. Maybe we were dating, and that thought alone made me smile to myself. Being Jenna's boyfriend would be a privilege and all but isn't the guy supposed to ask the girl? Hmmm, that's probably why Jenna reacted the way that she did, I hadn't asked her yet.

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