the nerd of my dreams chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Gregg (1 week later)

I was sitting in my room going over my calculus homework waiting for Jenna to come over. Today was going to be our very first Bad Ass meeting.

"Hey!" I heard Jenna call out as she entered my room.

"Hey, Jen. Let me finish this real quick." I quickly scribbled down the answer to my last problem before putting my calculus book away. I stood up from my desk and plopped down next to Jenna on my bed.

"Wow, so you're not hurting anymore?" Jenna asked.

"No. It's more like I took a crap load of Tylenol about a hour ago."

"Good. Good. So the First thing that I think is important about being a bad ass is the self confidence and the ego. So to boost yourself confidence, I am going to do this thing with you."

"And what is this thing?"

"Well, you have the appearance thing down, like your hair. We'll take care of the clothes later, but we need to work on something else."

"Jenna," I was getting very impatient.

"I'm going to kiss you today! And no, it's not like those pecks that I give you on the cheek every day. I'm talking about full blown making out."

I tensed. So now I understand why she was a little uncomfortable earlier. "Um, okay."

"This is exactly why we're working on this. See, a bad ass wouldn't say, 'um okay' he's be like hells yeah! But, I do like you the way you are. It's kinda cute." She smiled at me.

Events like these make me happy that I told Jenna that I liked her last week. Today, it's Friday and the weekend which means that I get to spend even more time with her. And the great thing about that is that she admitted that she too, kind of liked me. Can you imagine how surprised I was when I found that out? I think I almost peed in my pants. Now, we would openly say how we liked how each other was looking on a day without feeling all awkward inside.

"Okay. Okay, let's get this show on the road. Okay, so what now?"

"You're going to lean in and kiss me. From there we can go how far you want to go. No sex of course. But, it can't take too long because we have to go to my game tonight." I nodded nervously.

We sat there looking at each other for a while before I slowly began leaning into her. When our lips finally touched, I closed my eyes letting the moment sink in. I let my hands move up to her face and cup her face. I started to move my lips and Jenna began to follow my lead. Hopefully, I wasn't horrible at this. I let my left hand slowly slide down to her waist and pull her closer to me. Heat and electric tingles were sent throughout my body as Jenna's body came closer to mine. Jenna nibbled on my bottom lip, it felt really good. Since, I have never kissed a girl before, I had no clue that that meant for me to part my lips for her so I kept kissing her closed-mouthed until I felt like pulling a Christopher Columbus and going exploring. Except, I wasn't trying to explore the land of India, I wanted to explore the inside of Jenna's mouth.

Yes, it sounds pretty gross I know. I let my tongue slide out of my mouth and lightly poke at Jenna's lips. She parted her lips and I slid my tongue inside. What I felt was magical. I felt sparks everywhere! And my body felt like I had a temperature of 102 degrees. I was too focused on not screwing up that I didn't realize that Jenna put her hands in my hair until I felt this light tug that was sensational. I broke away from Jenna.

We were both breathing pretty heavily. "Did you lock the door?" I breathed out. She meekly nodded. I watched her hand carefully as it grabbed my glasses and slowly pulled them off my face. I looked down at her. My vision was blurry, there was no doubt about that, but I had all of her features sketched and memorized in my head. "Tell me when to stop," I whispered before letting my hormones take over.

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