Chapter 21!

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Everything lately has been going so well. Things with Gregg are great as well as with basketball. At school, the majority of the female population had finally accepted the fact that 'Grey' and I were an official couple. Needless to say, they backed off completely with a little convincing from Steph.

As my life seemed to finally hit a solid ground, the school's dean had made an announcement of the arrival of Chris and his friends coming back to school.

I knew they wouldn't be at juvie forever but shit I hoped they wouldn't get out this soon. It's only been three months, I whine in my head. What's wrong with adding on an additional three months so I don't have to deal with them?

"What's wrong babe?" Gregg nudged my side. We were sitting in his car outside of a pizza place. Why hadn't we gone in yet? I have no clue. I feel like we both zoned out as soon as he parked.

"Yeah I'm fine."

"Look, don't worry about Chris and his friends. They won't hurt me or you." He kissed my cheek and rubbed my back in soothing circles. "Don't worry about it. Please."

I took a deep breath and exhaled.


I nodded and got out of the car. It was already seven and I still had some school work to do. My grades were kind of, maybe, jut a teensy bit dropping and after a full three hours of studying at the local library, Gregg took me to get some food.

My mother was furious when she found out that my grades were slipping. She tarted to blame it on Gregg but since Gregg is so brilliant she shifted it to basketball and then to Chris coming back and she put in the pressures of having sex and doing illegal things. After much thinking I realized that all of those reasons except for the last had taken up most of my thinking time. It was hard to focus with so much going on. As school continued, it only became harder to manage having a life with school stuff. It seemed impossible to have to focus completely on seven subjects when I had so much to focus on already.

Sighing, I tried to relax as Gregg took my hand in his and led me inside. "I think everything will work itself out on its own." After that statement, both of us didn't bring that topic up for the rest of the night.

"I like your hair," I randomly blurted out. Instead of feeling embarrassed about it, I easily smiled when Gregg laughed opposed to giving me a questioning look. It was very messy today. A very sexy messy.

"I like it too," he smirked. My eyes raked over his face and I couldn't help but bite my lip. His blue eyes darkened a shade at my thoughtless action.

"What? Am I turning you on?" I asked slyly.

The thing about us is that we both got off on driving the other crazy. We both found it amusing. So now in lunch I'd be even more of a tease just to get a reaction out of him. And at my games I'd spot Gregg in the crowd giving me a look that made my knees go weak. Talk about a distraction.

"Don't ask questions that you already know the answer to," he chided.

I rolled my eyes and leant over the table to grab a piece of his crust. Before I could successfully move back over to my side of the booth, he caught my wrist and crashed his lips into mine.

I smiled as he kissed me and bit his bottom lip to retrieve control. As he groaned in lust and annoyance I sat back down with a proud smile and my arms crossed cockily.

"You suck."

"Oh do I?"

"Mmhmm," he nodded curtly.

"Abd why is that?" I raised an eyebrow.

"You're such a tease," he complained.

"You of all people know that I most certainly am not a tease."

He scoffed, "the hell you aren't."

I pouted, "whatever."

"So you leaning over the table nearly shoving your cleavage in my face isn't being a tease?"

"If you want it you can have it," I grinned waiting for his reaction.

He banged his head on the table and groaned out an 'I hate you'.

"Aww I love you too baby."

On the way home, Gregg kept a fierce grip on the steering wheel as he drove.

"Why so...stiff?" I raised an eyebrow and dragged my hand slowly down his thigh.

My head rolled back as I laughed. I didn't know he'd have a freaking spaz attack as a response.

"You think that you can just..." his mumbling became incoherent but his driving became more focused as he took a right instead of a left on a road that led to my street.

"Where are you going?" Okay so I was a little scared. I wasn't scared of him but more of what was going on in that head of his.

He kept driving and pulled up into a parking spot of an abandoned warehouse. I looked outside my window wondering if anyone would see us. Just my luck, there was only a minor little lake and a narrow road that led us out here. If he tried to kill me, he could just throw my ass in the lake and no one would see. Where's a witness when you need one?

"Gregg," I whispered cautiously. Please don't kill me I screamed out in my head. Pl-

My eyes widened and all thoughts had left my mind. I gasped as his hot hands worked there way under my shirt and his tongue grazed my neck.

Not knowing what else to do other than to sit back and enjoy it, I tapped around the bottom of my seat in search for the lever that would lean the seat back. Right when I found it and pulled it up to let the seat lean down, Gregg bit my neck making my hips rise and back arch at the mind blowing sensation.

As Gregg tore off my shirt and kneaded my skin and ravished my chest my only thought was that I needed to join a convent ASAP because I was going to hell for this.

Only wanting more of him, I managed to take his shirt off and kissed every single bit of delicate skin on his chest.

"Jay, you know better than to tease me," he tsk-ed in my ear.

Well there's the other thing about our little game: we'd always get each other back. It didn't matter when, it could be a few days after but it happened. I think that's why I keep playing, for the moments like these where he has me on edge and begging for more.

I wrapped my legs around his waist and rocked my hips against his just to feel how much he wanted me. He moaned my name and I smiled as I did it again and once more after that.

His hands roamed under my bra and I cried at the searing touch. Yeah I'm definitely going to hell.

"Say it baby." he bit my ear.

"I-I... Gregg," I moaned involuntarily. "I'm so-sor-sorry." my back arched and I dug my nails into his back needing him to be closer.

"What else?" his hands stroked my upper thigh and gave them a tight squeeze.

Our eyes locked and he gazed at me expectantly. "I promise I won't do it again," I whispered seductively with a slight out of breath pant at the end. Playing the part I put on a little pout and did my irresistibly charming puppy dog eyes.

He smiled and kissed me. Boy did he kiss me. He knocked the socks right off my feet. He pulled the rug right out from underneath me. He- oh did he kiss me.

I didn't know how I'd explain my swollen lips and the dark marks on my neck and my chest but I didn't give a shit. I didn't care one bit. I was too drunk on Gregg to even do a quick brief over the consequences.

Gregg was my drug of choice and I was too hooked to feel anything other than pure bliss when I was with him and depressingly incomplete when I wasn't.

What is this nerd turned bad boy doing to me?

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