Nerd of my Dreams chapter 2

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Ahhh i just found a HUGE hlarious typo! haha and yeah i edited it! What a great laugh i just had :D

Currently I was being pressed against a wall of lockers with Chris kissing my neck. For you that don't know; it feels like heaven. "Kiss me," I commanded pulling him by his hair so he could look at me. He didn't protest and kissed me. He bit my lip asking for entrance that I granted him. Our lips danced together like girls at a ballet recital; in perfect rhythm. I nibbled on his ear a bit.

I looked up for a second because I could have sworn that I heard faint footsteps coming from somewhere. I saw Gregg staring at me. Hmm from a different person's perspective this must look really sexual. I was up against a few lockers with my legs wrapped around Chris's waist with his hands supporting me. He was also really, really close to me. I blinked once and then went back to what I was doing. Who really cares about what he thinks? I mean i was trying to be nice to him earlier and he just ignores me?! Then, he has the nerve to try and glare Chris down like he was my dad or something.

What a weird little nerd. I thought to myself.


She was too pretty and too nice to be with a tool bag like him. I swear if I had more ba**s I would have went over there and pulled him off of her. But no, I did not. In fact, when I saw Jenna go back to kissing him like nothing happened, I just walked away.

But wait! This morning she was staring at me like I was some type of freak show or something. So, she doesn't deserve my time (which I have a lot of). *SIgh* she is really pretty though. Last year I went to some of her basketball games. Of course I sat, unnoticed and by myself, on the bleachers. She's really good at basketball. A real team player she is. No wonder why she was elected the Freshman Prom Queen last year. At least that's what I heard since I didn't go. It must rock to have actual friends and people to talk to other than your parents.


After school was over, Chris drove me home and we watched the cheesiest movies together. He went home after but not before begging me to go to a party with him on Friday. And who am I to deny his cute puppy dog face and the first party of the school year!?

FRIDAY (par-taaaaaaaay)

It took me hours to pick out what I was gonna wear but I finally decided on a silver bubble dress. I curled my hair to perfection. I applied some light make-up, and waited until Chris came to pick me up. After a while of sitting on the edge of my bed, I heard the doorbell rand. I jumped up and ran downstairs to kiss my parents goodbye. I opened the door for Chris and kissed him lightly before I slipped on my red heels and grabbed a matching clutch. "Be back by midnight!" my dad called out after me. "Okay," I yelled over my shoulder before shutting the door.

Chris opened the door for me and I slipped inside and buckled up. He walked around back to the driver's side and got in. We drove for like 10 minutes listening to the radio. I was singing along to Dynamite by Taio Cruz when the car stopped. I looked out my window to see we were parked outside of a big house where you could see flashing lights inside and could hear the music blasting. I grinned; this was gonna be one of the best parties of the year. The greatest parties were on the first and last weeks of school, at Sweet 16's, and after our school's sports teams won big tournaments and Championships.

I eagerly grabbed Chris's hand and pulled him inside. Stephanie told me earlier that she was going to the party with her new boy toy Justin. Yepp he finally asked her out yesterday at school, after the final bell. I dragged Chris to the dance floor as soon as we stepped foot in the gigantic house. Chris and I spent like an hour and a half doing some serious grinding before we decided to get something to drink. "What do you want?" he asked me.

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