Nerd Dreams chapter 14!

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sorry for any errors!


Further up, I searched his eyes and nearly passed out. That dangerously familiar sea green color with the specks of dark blue around the inner ring could kill me.

I hate my life. I can't even talk to a guy without comparing him to Gregg.

"Done staring Jenna?"

I looked at him. I really looked at him deeply, letting his familiarity sink in before whipping my hand across his face.

He recovered quickly looking at me with astonished eyes but a smirk on his lips.

"Jenna, can we just talk please? I can explain!"

I turned around furiously to glare at Gregg. My glare was overshadowed by my erotic thoughts about him. Did I need to waste time glaring or could I just make the best of our time? He looked at me with those innocent eyes that I began falling for a month ago.

Leaping into his arms, I smashed my lips against his and wrapped my legs around his waist. His hand was under my butt and sat me down on my kitchen table.

"I'm so so sorry Jenna. I missed you so much." He murmured into my hair.

"Why'd you leave me then?"

He looked down slightly embarrassed with his jaw tensing.

"For you. I did this for you Jenna."

"What'd you do exactly?"

"Training with my cousin and his friend everyday for the past three weeks. I went to visit for a while. It's not like I missed anything important at school. Only you."

I grimaced as someone bumped into us. I also grimaced when I noticed some on lookers staring at our intimate moment.

"Let's go talk in my room. I want you to tell me everything."


"Everything, and Gregg, I have something to tell you too."

He captured my hand in his and it felt so foreign since his hand before seemed much weaker than it is now. It was foreign, but nice nonetheless. When Gregg placed a hand on my hip, I had to take a deep breath to calm my nerves. Shyly, I turned around to catch a glimpse of him. His eyes showed a little nervousness but that new found smirk was killer.

Opening the door to my room, I walked in feeling embarassed by the clutter and dirty clothes strewn across the floor.

"I never would have imagined you having a messy room."

"And I never thought that you'd leave for three weeks without telling me where you were going, and ignoring all of my calls. Guess we both have been surprising each other."

"Listen, I'm truly sorry about everything that I've done and have said to hurt you."

"Consider yourself forgiven. In fact, I need to apologize as well. I didn't mean what I said about you being a loser. I was weak-minded at the time and needed to say something to make myself feel better, but what I saidended up killing me and hurting you badly."

"Jenna, I know, and I forgive you."

"Good, so tell me about your transformation."

"Most of the time was spent at the gym and chugging down protein shakes. Then there was the course on swag and lile you did, they took me shopping and got some crewnecks, hats, and an endless supply of Nike's. Then, I was whipped into shape with 'Ladies 101' and got some practice time in."

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