Nerd of my Dreams chapter 16!

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Here ya go...


Gregg and I entered the building and immediately I felt his mood change as his movements became stiffer. He wrapped his arm around my waist and tightly pulled me against him. By the desperateness in his move, I felt that it was a way of him getting comfort, by having me close.

"Jenna, what if this doesn't work?" he whispered softly in my ear.

I rolled my eyes, "Gregg, you worked hard for this. Let's just play it up okay?" I looked up him and he looked down at me with a sweet smile before leaning down to place a gentle kiss on my lips.

"Let's do this," Gregg relocated his hand from my waist to my shoulders and kissed my temple as he swaggered down the hall. "Where too?"

"I have to get my books out of my locker? Is that alright?"

"Why wouldn't it be?" On the way to my locker we talked a little. "Hey what's your combo?" Gregg stepped away from my side and stood in front of my locker.

"If I tell you I'll have to kill you."

He rolled his eyes at me and gave me a sarcastic look.

"No, I'm serious," I grabbed on to the collar of his shirt and pressed my body against his.

"Jay, what's the combo?" he bent his head down and whispered lightly near my ear.

Surprised by the nickname, I stepped back a little, but was against his chest in no time. I looked down at his strong arm and his hand's grip on my waist. "Jay?"

"Can I call you Jay?"

I shrugged, "I don't know. With you wanting to be called something else, it might be a little much for me to have a new name as well."

"I'm sorry Jenna, but I like Gray better than Gregg."

"I like Gregg, I like Gregg a lot," I told him truthfully.

"He likes you too."

"And what about Gray? Does he like me?"

"Hell yeah he does. Gray thinks you're the most amazing girl he's ever met, and he's lucky to have you."

Smiling, I wrapped my arms around his neck. "You're so sweet." I placed a soft kiss on his lips and pulled away teasingly.

He placed a finger under my chin and lifted my lips back up to meet his. What started as a soft kiss, progressed into a passionate one. The type of kiss single girls at school hate to see.

"Combo?" He kissed my temple.


He spun the lock with one hand and kept an arm wrapped around my side. I leaned into him and placed my head on his shoulder.

"Boom, I got it open," he grinned at me like a little boy.

"Um, do you want a prize or something?" My sarcastic side loves to be free.

Like a robot, I took the right books out and out the others back in. In a swift move, I slammed my locker shut and swiveled on my heel to face Gregg.

"Jenna Myers!" As a reflex, I visibly flinched at the high pitched screech sounding tone.

"Yes?" Emily Schmidt was standing in front of us with a suspicious smile on her face. As always, she was wearing a too short skirt and a revealing sweater.

"Who's your new friend?"

Begrudgingly, I introduced Emily to 'Gray'.

"What happened to that nerd guy Jenna? It's so weird. You were all over that loser and now you're with this sexy guy. People are talking you know?" I bit my lip trying to keep bad words inside. "Especially since you two disappeared at your party."

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