Nerd of my Dreams chapter 10

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here ya go!!!


"Uh. Tuesday already?" Groaning, i got out of bed and went across the hall to my bathroom. I hopped in the shower and hopped right back out after i was all clean and fresh. I brushed my teeth and put in my contcts and left. Back in my room i put on some clothes, got my bookbag, and went downstairs to get some breakfast.

On the kitchen table i found a plate of warm Pop-Tarts and a small note that read: Gregg I was running late today so I popped some Pop-Tarts in the toaster. Love you bye!

It surprised me how my mom felt the need to make me breakfast every morning as if I wasn't capable of doing it myself. When i'm in college is she going to stop by in the mornings with hot eggs and bacon?

I sat quietly at the table eating the pop tarts and reading the World of Physics which was slightly thinner than a dictionary. While i was getting to one of the good parts in the brilliant book, the doorbell rang.

"Eh," I shut my book and put it back in my bag. Before answering the door, i put the rest of my breakfast in the trash.

"Hey Gregg," Jenna gave me a hug as soon as i opened the door. I returned the hug and pulled away to look at her. How is it possible for a nobody like me to get a girl so highly attractive? She was wearing a t-shirt and a pair of jeans and looked unbelieveable. Jenna was also wearing a small amount of makeup but it was more than unnecessary. She was too pretty for makeup; it only took away from her natural beauty.

"Are you done staring at me yet?" she laughed.

"Sorry," i blushed.

"It's a little uncomfortable to be stared at."

"Sorry," I apologized again.

"You don't have to keep apologizing you know."

"So-" she gave me a warning look and i realized my mistake. "So-" i started once more before realizing that i did it again. Oops.

"Let's just get to school," she smiled and headed towards her car. I locked the front door and followed Jenna to her car.

The ride to school was very entertaining. Some guy that was in a rush cut Jenna off and she went berserk. I had never witnessed her so pissed off and have never heard so many cuss words come out of her mouth. In fact, it was kind of scary.

"That as-"jenna started up again on the way to my locker.

"Jenna clam down. We're both okay and that's what matters."

"He fre-"

I shook my head at her.

"Stupid Honda driving d-"


"But!" she looked at me with big angry eyes.

"Nope. Be the bigger person."

She huffed and crossed her arms.

"That is definitely not being the bigger person Jen." I put my jacket in my locker and shut it.

"He cou-"

"Jenna," I grumbled before smashing my lips against hers.

"Gre-" she mumbled against my lips and i shook my head while kissing her.

Jenna wrapped her arms around my waist and I grabbed ahold of her arm that was around me and moved closer to her.

In a flash i felt a strong hand clap down on my shoulder and rip me away from Jenna. I looked at the guy confused but remembered that he was one of the guys from yesterday that beat me up.

"You forget what i told you yesterday nerd boy?" I didn't know the guys name but was well aware of the fact that he was big and beefy. His eyes were narrowed and his fist was already balled up and ready to hit me. "Do you need me to remind you?"


"Jack leave him alone," Jenna piped up. That did not stop Jack from slamming me against my locker. I looked over at Jenna and saw her looking at me frightened and with expectant eyes.

I guess now would be a great time to find my inner fighter.

I wrote this on my itouch sodont be mean okay?!?

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