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"You don't have to do this."

"Relax Chris! I want to."

The last guard opened the door to the visitation room.

The tall, bulky guard led me to a table where the cutest boy was sitting.

He had skin like caramel and dark brown hair and eyes.

"Tanner?" He looked entirely confused. "Hi. I'm Jenna, Chris's ex-girlfriend."

His eyes darkened either at the mention of Chris, or of me being his ex-girlfriend.

"What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to come confide in you. Chris is so distraught from you guys breaking up or whatever happened. You changed him, Tanner. But now he's broken an he needs you."

"He deserves it." Tanner crossed his arms and leant back in his chair.

Internally, you could tell that he still cared. The soft look in his eyes showed all I needed to know.

"Tanner, Chris really cares about you. Shit, he even cried. That was more than what he did when the judge sentenced him to juvie. Look, I get that you're upset and whatnot, but you have to acknowledge that he's trying to change. He's not the same person he was."

Tanner studied me as I took a breath. "He's human now. He has feelings about someone other than himself. Don't break his heart, and most of all, don't keep yourself from being happy."

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