Nerd of my Dreams chapter 6

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chapter :DD


"Gregory, I'm coming in," I told him in a grandma voice.

"Dude, you sounded just like my Grandma!"

"I hope I don't remind you of her too much," I replied jokingly.

"Not at all. What are we doing today?" he asked giving me a hug.

"Going to the mall to go shopping."

"Mmm fun," he rolled his eyes at me and slid on his coat before we left his room to go downstairs.

"It's going to be fun."


"You said that this was going to be fun," Gregg whined at me while I tugged on his hand to keep following me.

"You're not having fun?"

"No sweetheart, that would be you that's having all of the fun," he kissed the hollow of my neck.

"Fine! We'll go to the arcade, but only for thirty minutes. Then, we have to continue shopping," Gregg squeezed my hand in appreciation as we headed in the direction of the arcade.

"Follow me," I followed him obediently to the back of the arcade where there were rows of pinball machines. After Gregg successfully made the high score list three times, I decided that I wanted to play. Gregg put in two quarters and the game started. I pulled the stick thing out and then let go launching the silver ball into action. I focused in on the ball as it bounced off the many walls of the machine and went through a tunnel-like area, helping me receive 500 extra points. Sadly, the ball went into the gutter section, and I couldn't save it.

I put the second ball in play and forcefully pressed down on the side buttons every time it got near the bottom. Gregg would always laugh at how tense I got. I was very distraught after I lost the second ball.

"Here let me help you this time," Gregg came up closer behind me and gently set his fingers on top of mine that were on the buttons. When the ball started rolling down to the bottom, Gregg would press my finger into the little buttons on the side of the machine. A few minutes into the game, I already had more than 5,500 points. The silver ball was rolling down to the bottom again so I waited for it to come closer before hitting the button on the left side of the machine, sending the ball flying back up. I watched with excited eyes as the ball went through a blocked off area giving me extra points again.

My excitement went into terror when the ball got trapped and slowly began to roll down the very far left side where it would soon go out of play. "Nooooo!"

There were many laughs coming from all around us. I looked up and a crowd had actually formed to watch us play.

"I think that you did a fantastic job," Gregg praised from behind me.

"Yeah because you helped me!"

"We work well together as a team," he wrapped his arms around me from behind.

"I wanna play again!" I whined pouting like a five year old.

"Let's go play a different game now," Gregg led me away from the currently clapping crowd.

"You know what I want for Christmas this year?"

"No, what?"

"A pinball machine! And then I want you to come over every day to help me win."

"A little obsessed aren't we?"

"It's exhilarating and exciting! It's such a fun game when you're winning."

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