Nerd of my Dreams chapter 12

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Its kinda short buy definitely better than what I had in mind originally for this chapter i assure you. You guys would have killed me! 

Alright so hear it is!! 

I dont normally do this but i want TEN votes for this chapter! 10! 10! 10! 10!  

Thank yoy and Enjoi :)


Sighing, I shut my locker shut. Ever since our falling out, I've seen Jenna way more times than I wanted to. Before first hour, she came by and tried to talk and explain, but I just couldn't take it.  

What she said hurt so much. The one person that I felt I could trust called me a name that shouldn't hurt much but cut me deep. I trusted her. I thought that she believed in me and thought that I was-I don't know- different; in a good way. What an idiot I was.  

To enforce that thought, I disappointed her last night so much by my air headed suggestion of avoiding her. I need to stop thinking about me and focus more on the others around me. I screwed up so bad by telling Jenna that stupid stupid plan.  

She was right. I was trying to find an easy way out. Who likes being bullied an then having to go home and explain to your arents why people don't like you. It's embarassing and it's getting so old.  

I thought it was a brilliant, yet stupid idea but I decided to try to pull throuvh with it anyway. Pushing her away wasn't going to solve any of my problems in the long run. Either way, I'm screwed until I can straighten things out properly.  

It sucks to know that this is all my fault. Its my fault that I didn't get a good morning kiss and hug from her today. Its my fault that she left my house completely upset. Its my fault that all this shit happened.  

Maybe I should have just left her alone that first day instead of sparking an attitude. She still would have gone through that crap with Chris but at least I could have saved her more heartache.  

Dumb me was so shocked that a girl as popular as Jenna would even look in my direction or sit by me at lunch for that matter. 

I'm so distraught right now. I can't focus on my studies or even walk without running into something. I ran into a lab table in Physics distracted by my subaqueous thoughts.  

I'm upset at Jenna for hurting me and pissed at myself for hurting her.  

What do I do?  

I shuffled away from a junior as they 'accidentally' ran into me. 

How do I fix my mistakes? 

One thing that I know I want to do is prove her wrong. I want to make Jenna so damn proud of me.  

Taking my seat in down my honors english class, I got out my materials thinking about what needs to be done.  

I'm going to become an invincible bad ass. When I'm done everyone will know who I am and they'll kiss the ground that I walk on. Most importantly, I'll have my girl Jenna and we're going to be the best couple in Greenville history. I'm determined.  

Jenna and I are going to work things out. I just need to take the first step and hash it out with her, then I need to prove that I have what it takes to be her boyfriend.  

Hopefully, she'll take me back because I can't do it without her.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I'm super serious about the 10 votes thing.  Vote even if it wasn't super awesome I know it wasn't but I have goals that I want to meet for this story so I'd appreciate it if you all would vote! I'm only asking for TEN!

VOTE to see which of the following will be featured in the next chapter:

1. Gregg meets a different girl

2. Jenna meets a different guy

3. An appearance by Chris (yeah he's in juvie but I can make it happen:D)


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