Nerd of my Dreams chapter 4

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I slammed my locker shut and headed towards Gregg's locker. Hopefully he hasn't left yet. Mr. Homer wanted me to stay after class to talk about my quiz that I didn't do too hot on. I walked down the never ending hallways to Gregg's locker. When I got there, I found it stranded.

"Great, he left," I let out an annoyed sigh before trudging to the student parking lot. My jaw dropped once I got out of the school. "Hey! Stop it!" I screamed as a reflex.

Chris's head snapped up along with the heads of his friends. He just smirked then went back to what he was doing. I ran up to him and tried to pull his arm away before he hit Gregg's face again.

"Stop hurting him! Please! Guys stop this isn't funny."

"Jen, what do you mean? I am pretty amused right now beating up this kid with my friends. Plus, he needed to be taught a lesson."

"And what was that?" I screamed angrily.

"Not to mess with my girl," he rolled his eyes at me before his fist made contact with Gregg's nose that was already gushing out blood.

"Gregg! I'm so sorry. Oh my gosh, oh my gosh oh my gosh..." I was so freaking close to hyperventilating now. I continued to scream at the guys to stop kicking and punching but they ignored me. Chris and his gang gradually began to stop hitting Gregg, then just completely back off. I crouched down next to Gregg with tears in my eyes. I set his head in my lap, and tried to gently pull his shirt off of him.

I know this isn't the time to gawk at his body but this kid had abs! Very nice ones, might I add. It kind of made me wonder why he didn't fight back. It LOOKS like he could have taken at least one of the guys. But then again, he was being jumped by more than four beefy jocks. I balled up his shirt and dabbed gently at his face in an attempt to soak up some of the blood that was all over his face. His eyes were closed but that didn't stop him from wincing in pain.

"I'm so sorry they did this to you, I should have gotten out of class sooner. Maybe this wouldn't have happened."

I had no car to drive home in, and even if I did, there was no way in hell that I could get him in the backseat of my car. I stroked his hair softly with one hand while I dug around in my bad in search of my cell phone, with my other hand.

Once I felt the silhouette of my phone, I pulled it out and dialed 911. I put the phone to my ear and waited for someone to pick up at the other end.

"911, how may I help you?"

"My-my, friend has been beaten and it's really really bad. Please hurry."

"Miss, where are you?" the operator/receptionist asked.

"I'm at Greensville High in the student parking lot. Please hurry I think he might lose conscious soon."

"The paramedics and Police are on their way."

"Okay," I whispered lowly into the mouthpiece.

I bent my head down and softly pressed my lips onto Gregg's forehead. "I'm so sorry."

I sat next to him with his head in my lap and stroking his hair until the help finally came. I was pulled away from Gregg's body by two policemen.

"Miss, can you tell us what happened?" One of the officers asked. So I did tell him what happened, starting with how Gregg and I were supposed to meet at his locker after school and then go get some ice cream. It felt like I was being asked hundreds of questions at a time when in reality it was only about twelve. "I really just want to be with my friend now. Can you guys ask me the questions later? Like after, I find out how hurt he is or when he should be fully recovered?" I wiped a few tears from my eyes on the back of my jacket sleeve.

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