Nerd of my Dreams chapter 15

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Fan, Comment, VOTE! this story can soo get on what's hot! I know it, so help support the cause! This is short but FUN!! i'd say sweet...but, uh.... Just read for yourselves, it's not too sweet ;)

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Whew! I couldn't wait to go to school today. Apparently Gregg got a new car and wanted to pick me up in it. With the weather being sunny and windy, I deciced to wear a jean skirt and a long sleeve v-neck.


Why is he here so early? It was only 6:43.

I unlocked the door, and turned the knob forcefully before pulling on it.

"Good morning babe!" I grinned.

May I say that he looks way hot today? It only took a fresh new pair of Nike's a white crewneck, and some jeans to give him the sexy-guy aura. Well that and his messy hair that hopefully I could dishevel a little more before school starts.

"Hey sexy, how's it going?" He leaned down to give me a quick smooch.

"Fine, I just need to finish getting ready." I had yet to eat breakfast, finish my hair, do my makeup, and find some shoes.

"Okay, take your time. There's no rush."

"Awesome. Um, there's some food in the pantry if you haven't had anything to eat yet."

"Thank you babes, do you want me to fix you something?"

"As long as you don't burn it," I smirked. Leaving the main area, I ventured off in the direction of the stairs. Once upstairs, I began working on straightening my hair to perfection. After that was over, I had to carefully line my eyes with liquid eyeliner. Temporarily out of the normal pencil, I was forced to settle for less, which is no compromise a girl should ever have to make. Only the best for the best. Now, I absolutely hated the stuff. I was prone to make mistakes while using liquid eyeliner. But I guess the up-side is that it wipes off nicely depending if you're putting on normal eyeliner or waterproof. I couldn't be happier when the excruciating task came to an end and I had two magnificently lined eyes. "Jen Jen, you almost done?"

"Almost. I need to find my boots and we're good to go!"

"Where are they?" he asked as I followed him into my room. He set the two plates that he was holding, down on the table. Nice. Waffles. Guess my baby can cook.

"Most likely in the closet," going to my closet, I pushed past him and started looking for the boots.

"Damn Jenna," He drew the curse word out, supposedly standing close since his voice didn't sound very distant.

I turned my head to look over my shoulder at him. Giving him a questioning look with my eyes narrowed in confusion.

"Your very nice ass looks good up in the air."

Okay... So, I'm definitely shocked that the Gregg I used to know said that. He never made sexual refrences with me. Although this time it was funny, I wonder about other times.

Changing my position, I sat on the ground with my legs turned to the side.

"Shut up! Come over here and help me look for my boots. They're tall, black, and leathery with a three-inch heel."

He obeyed, sitting down next to me and searching through piles of absolute crap.

"Is this one?" he held one up by it's heel.

"Yes! Now we have to find the other one! Good job babe," I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Not so fast," he slid his finger under my chin, and brought my face closer to his.

"It's a school today. We can't get distracted."

"But you look too good to save for later."

"Yeah but aren't we going to be making out the whole day?"

"So?" he whispered whilst brushing his lips against mine. Good grief, that just sent chills downy spine! "You know you want to. We're already so close."

His husky voice was driving my nerves insane. As he closed the deal, I kissed him back, moving my hands to the back of his neck. Knowing my body well, he kissed down my jaw line and neck to my soft spot. Getting closer to Gregg, I straddled him pressing myself against his chest. "Gregg," I whispered unsteadily in his ear. He moaned in the back of his throat. His hands moved their way down my back all the way to my upper thighs. "You like this huh?" I shifted in his lap and studied his reactions. He groaned, got harder, tightened his grip in my thighs, and sucked harder on my skin. I guess you could say playing with a guy increases their performance. And he's the one making sexual references with me... lol the joke's so on him. He nodded making his soft hair tickle my chin. Giggling softly, I stretched out my neck and moved it slightly to the right. I desperatly wanted some lip-on-lip action. But before, I thought that I might play with him a little more. Hey now, it's not really mean because there are mutual benefits happening!

I brushed my lips against his a few times making him mad.

"Jenna," he sounded so hoarse, and in need.

"Shh, I'll take care of you," smirking to myself, I licked his lips. The tip of my tongue slowly slid acrossed his top lip and then his bottom. Our mouths were dangerously close, but I made him wait. I let my breath wisp against his lips. He squeezed his eyes shut and let out a large breath.

"Jenna, stop messing with me. I want you." Shocking me, his eyelids flashed open revealing his bright blue eyes. Using my shocked manner as an advantage, he flipped me over so I was lying on my back. Smirking down at my still shocked expression, he rocked his hips against mine like he was creating a fire. The friction drove me nuts, but he didn't stop until I let out a moan. He rolled over, now laykng beside me. "It's about time you get your shoes on Jay. School starts in," he checked his silver watch. "less than thirty minutes." He gave me a peck on the cheek before shoving himself off the ground. Why wasn't he so stirred up about the whole commotion? Didn't I make his crazy? Ge shouldn't be able to just walk away, seemingly nit affected by me. What the hell!

Someone, please tell me what the hell happened. Saturday was amazing, but I guess it should have been proof that his sexual expertise have increased. This morning's events knocked that ball out of the park. We didn't even do anything and it feels like we just did it. The big it. The epic it. And my 'games' weren't games. No, those were just me turning him and I on. I didn't gain any bragging rights, just a fantastic experience. See, it wasn't a game at all. If so, I was the one that got played. Here I thought I was inforcing my title, but oh no, he got me back in the end. Man did he get me back... My thoughts trailed off as I imagined him rocking his hips against mine. Sexy didn't even describe it anymore. It was above sexy. Gregg was above sexy.

If the girls at school heard about it, they'd flip. My whole Sunday was consumed with talking to girls at school that would text and call about the 'new kid'. They asked what his name was, how I knew him, if we hooked up, and other things that did not concern themselves. But damn, I can't bring myself to imagine how many of them would have little fantasies about him. Shoot, that better not be the case because Gregg's my boyfriend. Not there's. Oh hell! That's another thing. We were technically still friends in 'like' with each other. I hope that changes soon. But back to the other current problem, Gregg was mine and I definitely had no plans to let him be taken away by some two-faced idiot. They need to know that he's mine. And that's what's going to happen today. I guarantee it.

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