Nerd of my Dreams chapter 11

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not fully edited but its still fabulous!!


What's he going to do? What's he going to do?! Gregg looked unsure of himself as he looked from me to Jack who was boiling in anger. Some by passers were stopping and staring trying to scope out what was going on and if it was interesting enough to stay.

Out of no where Gregg swung his fist at Jack's temple. Jack stopped Gregg's hand and twisted it behind his back pushing Gregg up against a locker.

I gasped as Jack pressed Gregg's face against the green locker.

"Stop it!" I screamed trying to pull Jack off of Gregg. "You did enough to him last time!"

Jack pulled off of Gregg and shrugged my hand off of his arm. Gregg managed to get up only to be taken on by Jack's blows to the face and abdomen. I was seriously freaking out and yelling loudly for Jack to stop hurting my friend. Giving me hope, Gregg started to move a little. Shortly after, Jack threw another punch at Gregg's ribs.

I looked around to see a crowd. Why wasn't anyone helping Gregg? Where are the teachers?

Jack threw a punch at Gregg right when Gregg turned around. Gregg hit the locker way hard. Crouching to be the same height as Gregg's slumped over form, I managed to see bruising forming around his eye and the rest was covered by his brown hair.

"Need some help man," someone was finally trying to help Gregg out. I looked up only to see one of Jack's friends take an intimidating stance next to him.

"Leave!" I yelled. "All of you! Go now," I sneered at the on lookers.

"Don't make me remind you again nerd boy. You don't touch what belongs to other people. Bad things happen to thieves. Even worse things happen to little boys like you that can't stay at their rightful place on the social ladder." Jack laughed with his friends. "You're at the bottom nerd. Stay there!" He yelled menacigly before he swaggered away, getting high-fives from the dispersing crowd. There were a couple of girls giving looks of pity to Gregg, but like me, they weren't much help when it came to stopping fights.

Jaxk talked so much crap to Gregg! Why does he have to be so mean? Gregg stole from some one? He wasn't capable of that! One last time, I gave an annoyed glance at Jack and his friends as they stood and glared. They were all friends of Chris's and about every other jock in the school. It all clicked insanely fast. Gregg stole me! Or at least that's what they think.

Needless to say, it's not 'stealing' if someone willingly goes.

"Leave now, Jack!" Softly, I rubbed Gregg's upper arm murmuring that everything was going to be fine. "Gregg?" I whispered when I saw his face slowly turn towards mine. His face was horrible! He was bleeding and both of his cheeks were badly bruised.

"Jenna don't cry," He swiped away a tear.

"Your face," I cried. "We need to get you help."

"The nurse is going to get suspicious," he shook his head.

"Come with me then! I'll take you home and get you cleaned up. We can skip today Gregg! It'll be just you and me."

I tried a reassuring smile, but it didn't reassure neither Gregg nor me. He groaned and tried standing up. I leant him a hand but he pushed it away, relying only on the lockers for support.

"I don't belong here," he rasped out.

"Of course you do. You have as good of a right to be here as everyone else!" I rubbed his back.

"Jenna. Did you hear me? I do not belong here," he emphasized belong.

"I'm going to take you home," I gripped his upper arm and started in the direction of the doors that led out to the main parking lot for students.

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