Chapter 20!

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-Picking you up at six. Wear blue. ;)-

Smiling to myself, I sat puzzled in my classroom. I had no clue what he had planned but it seemed like whatever he'd pick would be fun. Recently we had been talking about going on a date. Gregg never told me what he was planning but had asked me what nights I was free.

I spent the rest of my day pestering Gregg on his mysterious plans. Wear blue? What exactly did he have in mind. All of my questions and pouting worked to no avail.

"Jay, be ready by six and wear blue." Is all he said before shooing me out of his car.

I stuck my tongue out at him. I must admit that I'm quite intrigued by this date that he's planning.

Inside, I collapsed on my bed thinking that it'd be wise to start on my homework before I leave. Who knew when I'd get back.

A few minutes til six, Gregg was ringing my doorbell. I decided to play it safe with jeans and an off the shoulder blue top.

Opening the door, I revealed a very nice looking Gregg. He was wearing nice jeans and a blue t shirt like me. I know it sounds simple and boring but he wore it well.

I couldn't help but grin at him. I was too excited for tonight. "Where are we going?" I bounced and clapped my hands in excitement. Gregg chuckled at me but didn't answer my question. He was still going for the whole surprise thing.

"Tell me please!" This was the umpteenth time I had asked him about our plans for tonight. He would just shake his head looking amused and keep his eyes on the road. "Please babe?"

Dangerously, I dragged my hand down his torso, stroking up and down. He bit his lil but showed no other signs of giving away as to where we were going.

Now, I should probably give up but that's just not me. I've always had a lot of fight in me. Well, that's what my dad says.

I worked my way down lower to the waistband of his jeans. I slipped a single finger in to tease him. Gregg squirmed and swatted my arm away.

"Jenna knock it off! I'm driving!" He wasn't angry at me when he scolded me, I thought he looked rather amused at how low I'd stoop to find out about our date.

"Sit back and enjoy the ride. We'll be there soon." I groaned. See there's the other thing, we've been driving for a while now.

"Fine," I grunted out. The rest of the ride was quiet due to me resisting to talk to him. He'd make attempts at conversation but my crossed arms and pursed lips clearly showed that I had no intentions of speaking to him.

"We're here," Gregg murmured as he pulled into a crowded parking lot at Russell College.

"What are we doing here?"

"State science fair meet," he grinned.

I'll always play the role of the supportive girlfriend but a science fair wasn't exactly first date material in my book. Plus i'm not sure I want to go to a science fair where spectators paint their faces blue and white. It seems a bit rash too me.

"Jay I'm just kidding babe. I got us tickets to tonight's game."

My eyes widened and a definite grin spread across my face. I was too elated to utter a word. Out of the car, I ran up to Gregg an threw myself at him. He caught me and wrapped his arms around my waist. There was some hooting and hollering because of my recent actions which made both of us chuckle.

"You're the best Gregg." Taking my time, I softly caressed my lips with his.

"Likewise," he smirked. Rolling my eyes at my terribly dumb yet sweet boyfriend, I hoped out of his hold.

The game was absolutely terrific. The student section kept the entire crowd pumped up with funny cheers and their rowdiness. Gregg got us some snacks so I wasn't starving or anything. And the people next to us were super nice as well. Oh and our seats were amazing! I had asked Gregg where he got the tickets and he said that his cousin, the same one that he spent those two months with, gave him the tickets. I couldn't have been more grateful for his cousin's generosity and kindness.

By the time the game finished up, it was well into 11. "Babe do you want me to drive?"

He had driven all the way here and the least I could do was drive us back. "Umm, I talked to your parents about tonight and asked them permission to get a room. I figured that we'd both be wiped out and it wouldn't be safe to drive back. Your parents agreed. Your dad threatened to kill me if you get pregnant so you don't have to worry about any pressure. And if you're not comfortable with the situation, I have no problem with driving you back." Gregg rushed all of this out in a few breaths. He sounded insure of himself like he was afraid I'd blow up about it. It was pretty cute seeing him look worried and so in thought.

"No, no a room's fine but what about school tomorrow?"

"We can always go in a little late," ye shrugged nonchalant.

"Alright. Where are we staying?"

"The Hilton up the road. I made reservations in advance."

We left the school and road to the hotel. Inside it looked very modern and there were tons of fans milling about.

Gregg checked us in and we headed to the elevators.

"Thank you for tonight," I placed a quick kiss on his cheek.

He wrapped and arm around my waist and I snuggled into his chest. "Thank you for coming. I can't say that I care for all your questions."

I shrugged and gave a light laugh. "I'm curious."

"Curiosity killed the cat," he nibbled on my ear. I pressed myself closer against his body.

"Here's the room," we arrived at a white door that had a small silver plaque on the side that read 372.

In the room, I got ready for bed. I stripped out of my jeans and shirt. Gregg let me borrow his shirt to sleep in. See, it's awesome that guys sleep shirtless.

My bra was quite irritating so I pulled it off under the shirt. "I'm so tired," I moaned as I crawled up to lay next to Gregg.

"My baby had a long night huh?" I nodded and nestled my head in his neck.

"You smell good."

"So do you."

"We should go to sleep," I murmured as I placed a light kiss on his neck.

"Yeah, sleep," he grinned as he flipped me over. I laughed and eagerly kissed him.

"Jenna, I need to say something." We had settled down and were snuggled up together.

"And what is that?" I whispered.

"I love you Jay."

My heart skipped a beat. He loved me. This was huge. And the big thing was that I loved him back. He has become so important to me and I've opened myself up to him. I trust him and want us to grow together as s couple.

"I love you too."

Gregg kissed my cheek and held me tight as we both drifted off to sleep. This had to be the perfect night.

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