Nerd of my Dreams chapter 18

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*this isnt edited and some parts may not make sense. Youve been warned.


The morning after the game against our rivals, I woke up sore. There was a throbbing ache in my head and my knee felt like it was on fire.

"Knock, knock," my mom peeked her head in with a warm smile.

"Hey Mom."

"I'm glad to see you up. Your father and I thought you were going to sleep through the entire day," I smiled weakly and gave a sheepish shrug. "Are you feeling any better?"

"My head hurts really badly and my knee kills."

"I'll bring you some ice and some more aspirin. Are you feeling well enough to see some of your company?"

"What company?"

"Gray, Steph, her boyfriend, and a few others want to see you."

"Where are they?"

"Downstairs. They've been here since earlier this morning, but I wanted you to get your rest."

"I want to see them!"

She left and came back shortly after with my friends.

"Hey champ, how's the head?" Sadie pounced onto my bed and Zack sat down next to her.

"It hurts like hell-o." Gregg laughed, sitting down and wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"Nice one," Zack reached his arm out to give me a high-five.

"So when did you all get here?"

"We heard about what happened, and were worried about you." Sadie frowned.

"I'll beat the bitch up," Stephanie's eyes were narrowed so I knew she was absolutely serious.

"Aww thanks guys."

We sat in an awkward silence for a while. I guess no one knew what to say. Good thing Sadie, broke the silence.

"I have a question, but I don't want you to get upset over it."

"Sadie, shut up," Zack hissed.

"What is it," my eyebrows furrowed incredulously.

"How long have you and Gray been dating?" Never mind, I wish Sadie wouldn't have broken the silence. I much rather avoid this little conversation.


"How long have you two been going out?" She smiled and leaned in closer with eagerness.

"I- we- we're not..." I trailed off, glancing at Gregg for help.

"Oh," Sadie's shoulders slumped over. "Well, why aren't you going out?"

I cleared my throat. "He hasn't asked me," I whispered, tucking a few strands of hair behind my ear.

"Why do the guys always have to ask the girls? It's so annoying," Jordan huffed, and rolled his eyes when Stephanie punched his shoulder. "It puts all the pressure on us!"

"So what? As a guy, it's your job to ask the girl!" Sadie had such a fiery spirit. She should really be on the school's debate team.

"Women," Zack muttered under his breath.

"Shut up you all. I haven't gotten to the bottom of this yet. Gray, why haven't you asked her out yet?"

"We haven't gone out on a date yet."

"But how long have you two been talking?"

"Over a month."

"And you think you have to wait until you take her out for pasta? Really?"

Gregg shrugged. "Isn't that how it works?" His cheeks were a dark shade of pink.

"Not necessarily." I gave Stephanie a knowing look. Jordan didn't even wait til the first date to ask her out.

"Ask her out."



"Like right now?"

"What other now is there other than right now?"

I shifted away from Gregg only a little. It's very uncomfortable when four sets of eyes are staring at you.

"Jenna, will you go out with me?"

Is it wrong for me to wish that he was asking me out as Gray and not ad Gregg? I personally preferred the sweet, easily embarrassed, and the adorably shy Gregg. Gray though, he wasn't Gregg. He was someone completely different. I feel like the two aren't even comparable; there's too much contrast.

Soon, after Sadie cleared her throat, I realized that I had zoned out and everyone was looking at me expectantly.


"Oh God, don't say no," I heard Sadie mutter under her breath.

I shot her a look and she mouthed an apology. "Yes."


"Yes, yes."

"So you're my girlfriend now?" He gave me a cheeky smile.

"Yeah," I grinned. He kissed me on the cheek and wrapped his arms around me.

"Aww, look at the happy couple!" Sadie led the rest of the onlookers in wolf-whistles and clapping.

Looking at Gregg, I smiled at the sparkle in his eyes. Gregg's still in there, I just need to pull him out more.

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