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"Excuse me?" I screamed. My fists were clenched tightly and my nostrils were flaring.

"He's taking bets on who will win the game," Margo once again spoke in a quiet tone. She probably thought that I'd react better if she talked quietly. Wrong.

"And who does he have money on?" Her eyes cast downwards. That told me all I needed to know.

"That...jackass! I have done everything for him! Fuck Grey!" I threw my math book at the lockers across the hall from us. "That dick!"

"Ladies!" A teacher turned to glare at us.

"Are we going to do something?" She asked stupidly. I have her a glare and she reworded. "What are we going to do?" She smirked.

"Text the girls. This is war."


"Hey! Easy fellas," they pushed me around a corner and towards a lone door. "What is this?"

Four football boys grabbed me at lunch and didn't tell me where we were going. I was cool with all the guys, so I didn't think it'd be too bad.

"Jenna told us to bring you here," Donn smirked and hit me on the back. The boys watched me enter with dirty smirks on their faces. Boys.

"Jenna baby?" The room was dark, dirty, and fairly empty.

"Over here honey," her angry voice came from the back of the room which was barricaded by stacks of chairs.

"What's all of this sweet cheeks," I lifted her chin to give her a kiss.

"Oh you know, people are just talking, and I wanted to get your side of the story." She didn't elaborate so I played along.

"What are they talking about angel?"

"You. And a bet." Shit. Guess I need to lie now.

"I don't know anything about a bet Jen."

He face scrunched up and her eyes mirrored rage. "Don't lie to me! I'm not stupid Gregg!"

"Keep your voice down!" Fear bubbled inside me at the thought of people finding out who I really was.

"This is rich! That's all you care about! All you've ever cared about since that dreadful day. You being someone you're not. You tried so hard and guess what? You did it, you're finally a jackass.

"So walk out of this room, out of this relationship and enjoy your new life. I made you and I can destroy you. And boy will I destroy you." She threatened me with a dirty glare on her face. Too bad she didn't scare me.

"Bring it honey. You think you can take me down? Good luck trying."

I left with the last word and couldn't help but regret what I did. Not because I was sorry, but feared what will come now that I was caught.

Back upstairs with the civilians of our school, the hallways got quiet once I entered.

"Grey! Is your dick really small? Now your big ego makes sense."

"Looking forward to taking your money tonight," a girl in a basketball sweatshirt glared at me.

And she was right. Our team won, by a lot.

"Party still on," a girl asked on her way out the doors.

I nodded and she sauntered off.

My party is where the real hell begun.

"So many secrets Gregg," Jenna whispered in my ear and giggled.

"Guys gather round! I have an announcement to make!" She took a sip out of an unmarked water bottle then continued. "As we all know, Grey is a new face at our school. This new face isn't very new at all. Do you guys remember Gregg? The frail nerdy boy that my ex and his friends jumped? It's okay if you don't, he wasn't very memorable himself. But this boy," she pointed to me. "Is that boy. See he was tired of being weak and unnoticed. He asked me to help him. Which I did. And how does he repay me? By lying to me, betting against me, and turning into a real asshole. Under the expensive clothes and the muscle is really a little boy that wanted to fit in and sit at the cool kids table. 'Grey' is a fraud and a heartbreaker."

Jenna took her bottle and walked out my front door. People turned to look at me, to glare, then proceeded to leave.

There goes everything I worked for.

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