Chapter 22!

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Hey guys. I'm not sure what is happening with this story plot wise. I had an overall plan but I've seemed to grow out if it? Eh.


Chris has come back to school. I'd only catch a glimpse of him before turning to walk the opposite way.

From what I've heard, he's more quiet and reserved. Hopefully he got his ass beat in julie to drop him back down to earth. He had previously acted like he was the king; now he's like the rest of us.

It was now lunch. Nothing out if the ordinary was happening. Everyone was more toned down as if they expected something to happen.

Too bad they weren't getting shit today.

Gregg squeezed my shoulder, bringing my attention back to the conversation.

The girls were asking the guys about what made the school hoe so attractive.

"She doesn't have anything that I don't have," Shay, one if my teammates put in.

One of the boys' basketball guys rolled his eyes. "Well duh. She's easy. Dudes love easy girls."

Shay narrowed her eyes. "You're disgusting." He only shrugged and smirked.

"Look Shay, girls like Sarah are only good for hooking up. She's not a girl you take home to Mom. Am I right or am I right?" He looked at his team of guys for approval. They nodded and shouted out their agreement.

"You Shay," he put a finger under her chin and lifted her head up so they could make eye contact. "You're a take home to Mom girl." She blushed and ducked away.

The boys hooted and hollered after their friend spit his game.

We were on the topic of Sarah because she had tried to talk to Stephanie's boyfriend. It's not like the girl didn't know he was taken.

Nothing truly set Sarah apart from other girls. She didn't have curves. She wasn't exotic looking. There were prettier girls than Sarah , but as Tom said, she was easy. I'd be embarrassed to look back on my high school experience and remember being known as the girl who put out for everyone. Ugh. There's no self respect these days.

I turned to look at Gregg, and was happy that he liked me for me.

I could only catch his profile since he was looking off in a different direction. He truly was gorgeous. His oceanic eyes would always be my favorite feature.

"What are you looking at babe?" At the sound of my voice, his head turned to look at me. He smiled and pulled me closer to him.

"Nothing, beautiful."

For a while, we sat there smiling at one another. A light shove brought me out of it.

I lurched forward into him before catching myself and swinging around to see who the hell shoved me.

"Steph, you poop head," I turned my lip up at her in a fake disgusted manner. Her eyes lit up as she laughed at me.

"Whatever skank! I own you!"

"Uh no. This shit is mine," Gregg slid his hand down my torso. I could only roll my eyes. Yep. I was indeed a possession that needed to be claimed by man.

"Alright I've had enough here. Please excuse me while I go to the ladies' room," I kissed G's cheek and left.

Why were the people I liked such a trip?! They cracked me up with their stupid ass behavior.

Out if the cafeteria, the hallways were even more quiet. Lockers decorated the walls with big brown doors pausing in between every so often.

My sneakers squeaked against the gray linoleum, and my fingers skimmed over the metal lockers. It could be so peaceful here sometimes. Families with my surroundings, I'd close my eyes and just breathe as I walked.

Almost at the bathroom, a voice stopped me.

As expected, it was Chris. I was bound to talk to him eventually. Here and now was the perfect opportunity for him to make his move. I was alone in a hallway after all. Well besides for a couple of stragglers talking, or getting miscellaneous shiznit out their lockers.

"Yes?" I looked up and met his eyes. They were deeper than before. I wonder what exactly happened at juvie.

"Uh," he rubbed the back of his head. "I want to apologize... For all the shit I did." He sighed and rubbed at his eyes. I could tell that he was tense by the way his shoulders were on guard and it looked like he was holding his breath a bit. "Everything that I did was fucked up. I won't bothering explaining: I doubt you wanna hear it."

Silence fell around us. I looked up at him briefly before I scurried into the bathroom and locking the door behind me.

Letting out a deep breath, I tried to relax. Questions were eating me alive. As I did my thing, I only thought about his face.

The old, cocky Chris was gone. He was replaced with a softer version of his old self. His face was less rigid, and more emotionally torn. His eyes held no menace. His hair was growing out, giving Him an even more of a softer look.

What the hell is going on here. This isn't Chris. Thus isn't the guy i used to know. This is an imposter. A fake. A 180 degree replica of him. I have to know what the actual fudge is going on.


See you next time. Umm 10 votes/comments for next post???

Thanks for reading

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