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After spending a weekend at home crying angry tears, Jenna felt relieved to finally get out of the house and head back to school. A few days of school had passed and surprisingly, she hadn't heard anything about Gregg/Gray. Hell, it wouldn't be the first time he got up and left. It shouldn't bother her anyway. It's not like he told her he loved her and promised to always treat her well.

Oh wait, that's exactly what he did.

Dragging her feet, she made her way into her math class. There was a "pop quiz" today, and Jenna knew that she wouldn't do well. She didn't bother reviewing for it either, because she knew that she couldn't solve a quadratic equation to save her damn life.

Plopping into her chair, she sighed in annoyance and dug a pencil out of her bag. Let's get this over with, she thought.

Once the bell rang, her teacher turned to the class with a sparkly glint in her eyes. My God, this woman is going to torture us all. The teacher was so eager to hand out the quizzes, and made sure to state that cheating wasn't allowed and there was no talking allowed either.

Once Jenna got her quiz, she stared at the first question. Why were there letters and numbers in one problem? What on Earth was the purpose of having both in there? She wanted to cry out in frustration. Instead, she channeled her energy in trying her best. She couldn't fail math. She had to do well otherwise she would be on academic probation with the basketball team. Without basketball, she would just be a shell of herself.

As she maneuvered through the first question, the tv in the front of the room turned on. Her teacher looked at the kids with confusion as if one of the students used telepath to turn the damn tv on.

"Just ignore it and finish the quiz you guys," the teacher was defiant and apparently dead set on having these damn quizzes done in the next five minutes.

"Hello, guys."

Jenna's hand loosened and her pencil fell on to the ground. Her chest tightened and her palms got sweaty as she heard the voice that she hated.

"My name is Gregory Carmichael. I-" it looked like he was staring right at her from the tv screen. The school's news background was still set up in the back and he was sitting on a chair with a serious look on his face. "I owe someone an apology."

She could feel the heat of the gazes of her classmates on her. Her heart beat picked up and her hands became clammy with sweat.

"Jenna Myers, I am so sorry. You deserved so much better. You helped me when no one else would. To this day, I am still floored by your kindness and love for others."

Oh my God. Is this real life?

She looked around at the people around her and they stared back at her with eyes just as wide as hers.

"I hurt you. I was so attracted to this image that I thought would make me better, more favored. I go so caught up in this pseudo-reality, that I lost of sight of things that were important to me. I lost track of you."

At that moment, the PA screeched on, hurting everyone's ears. Gregg winced on tv as the sound reached him. "Mr. Carmichael. Unlock the door to the student news room now." The principal was clearly pissed.

A light chuckled left Jenna's lips as she looked onward at the television to see and hear Gregg's reaction.

He looked unbothered as he leaned back in the chair and rolled his eyes. "As I was saying," Gregg glared towards the door. Banging on the door could be heard through the impromptu broadcast. "Jenna, I'm clearly not perfect, but I want to be for you. I'm done with this Gray bullshit. The only person that I should be is myself, and I know that now. God, I swear I know that now."

Jenna hated having her classmate's eyes on her as she received such a personal message. She was so touched that he took the time to admit his wrongdoings to not only her, but the entire school.

"Please give me a chance." He got up abruptly and the camera continued to roll as he left his seat. She wasn't sure where he was going. I guess no one was sure since she heard a muffled shout of "get back here boy!"

Welp. There was no way she could finish this damn quiz now. She was positively shook, and she couldn't do anything in that moment to change it. She sighed and looked up at her teacher's wild curls and glasses. Jenna gave her a grim smile as she flipped her quiz over and rubbed her hands over her face.

Why couldn't she just lay low like normal kids? She's gone through very public relationships, and she was mentally exhausted. It was too much for a sixteen-year-old to deal with. Maybe she should just swear boys off indefinitely.

"Jenna!" Gregg burst through the doors of her classroom with the principal on his heels. "Forgive me." He was panting, and raked a nervous hand through his brown hair.

Jenna's words were caught in her throat as she looked at him. He was so disheveled and out of breath. He did all of this for her.

"Jenna, please, I still love you okay? I love you and I want to treat you like the freaking princess you are. Please."

"Go, you idiot," one of the girls next to her nudged Jenna with her elbow and glared at her.

Shaking, Jenna got out of her seat and walked over to Gregg. The Principal had grabbed ahold of Gregg's arm, but Gregg was determined to shake him off.

Gregg looked at her with love and determination in his eyes as he awaited her reply.

Hesitantly, Jenna reached out and wrapped her arms around his torso. He hugged her back and whispered, "I missed you."

With a laugh, she watched as he was toted off to the principal's office. Gregg smiled at her over his shoulder and shouted, "I love you Jenna Myers!"

She giggled and shouted back, "I love you too my little nerd boy."



Well, this only took 7 years to finish. Thank you for reading. 

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