EP. 2 - The God of Destruction

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"Oh, I suppose your daughter has taken over for you," Beerus rubbed his chin. "But if she is on that Planet Ayata of yours, what is Prince Vegeta doing here? Are you neglecting your wife?"

Vegeta hesitated. "Makona and I never married. She married another Saiyan, and I married a human here..."

"Huh? I was sure you two would be a good pair," Beerus remarked before shrugging. "Anyway, I didn't come here to reminisce or catch up."

Miyako and Vegeta glanced at each other. "My Lord?" she questioned.

Beerus narrowed his eyes. "Tell me: what do you know about the Super Saiyan God?"

"A Super Saiyan... God?" Vegeta questioned.

Miyako started hesitantly. "I have heard of a Super Saiyan, but I have no knowledge of this God you speak of."

Beerus closed his eyes in disappointment. "It seems letting me down is your kind's specialty."

Miyako bowed her head. There was no way she was going to remind him of her ancestor Lady Ayata--a supposed Goddess--who was trapped in the Red Jewel. She would keep Niya safe, no matter what. "I sincerely apologize, My Lord. If I could be of any other service to you?"

Beerus frowned. "If you want to make yourselves useful, you will find me this Super Saiyan God," he replied. "I feel he is here somewhere..."

He? Miyako mentally questioned. There was no male God here. She would need to make sure he wouldn't become upset during his stay. "Of course. I will do my best."

Vegeta didn't reply. He was shaken with fear and the memories from the past. He remembered Beerus forcing King Vegeta on all fours and stomping on his head. A pathetic sight not fitting for a King, his father...

"We will do our best," Miyako stressed during Vegeta's silence.

Vegeta snapped out of his thoughts. "Y-Yes..."

The saiyans' eyes widened as the birthday girl came slightly stumbling to the balcony of the ship. "Stupid Vegeta...," she mumbled before spotting the four of them.

"Oh, Miyako, you finally found Vegeta," Bulma started towards them. "And these guys are what? Vegeta's friends?" She pouted. "So you'd rather spend time with them than with your wife on her birthday?"

"Nonsense!" Miyako spoke up quickly. "He was just visited by some old friends, isn't that right?"

"Ah--Bulma!" Vegeta went along, stressed. "This is Lord Beerus and uh..."

Whis put on a smile. "Please, Madame. Call me Whis," he formally introduced.

"Vegeta's friends?" Bulma slurred. "Well, I'm Bulma, Vegeta's wife-slash-the-birthday-girl. Aren't I too good for him?" she tried to whisper the last part.

Beerus and Whis held a polite smile. "Pleasure to meet you, Bulma."

"Woah!" Bulma was taken by surprise. "Who knew you could have friends with such good manners?"

"Well," Miyako looped Bulma's free arm around hers, "I found your husband, and we're going to join the party. Isn't that right, Vegeta?"

Vegeta gave her a look for mentioning the party.

"He is?" Bulma perked up. "Hey, wait, you guys should join us! The more the merrier, I say!"

Vegeta's eyes widened in fear and he opened his mouth to protest, but this time Miyako gave him a look.

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