EP. 14 - Prince VS Princess

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"What do you mean, Lord Beerus?" Niya turned to him nervously.

"Oh, you don't know?" he narrowed his eyes. "When the Jewels get too close, they erupt with such a great force that would rather destroy everything in its path than touch. This is why they were spread across multiple universes."

Niya had many questions, but no time to ask them all. "Then... here."

She removed her tiara with the Red Jewel and handed it to the God. "I will fight without it."

Ayata burst out from the Jewel. "But that wouldn't be fair!"

Niya smiled faintly. "I would rather lose than kill us all."

"Why don't we ask him to remove his Jewel?" she suggested.

"I don't think he would do that," the Princess turned to see Edam landed in the ring with the Blue Jewel, waiting for her.

"Well then, I guess I'll just force him!" Ayata placed the tiara back on her head and returned back inside.

Niya fell backwards from the force but managed to regain balance and land across him in the ring. She smiled awkwardly, but the Prince wasn't having it.

Edam only stared with cold determination in his eyes.

The announcer and referee, a short alien man with pastel green skin and a black and red jumpsuit, looked between the two nervously. "You may... begin!!" he exclaimed and quickly jumped back.

The two saiyans made a step towards each other, but their respective jewels blinked and two beings emerged. One was Lady Ayata in crimson ki, and the other was a man in warrior armor and spiked hair, standing in blue ki.

Ayata's eyes narrowed. "You're a saiyan, too."

He looked the two saiyanesses over. "So in your universe, the evil saiyans won."

She glared. "It's always the same with men like you. Just one look at me and your mind is set."

"Don't take me for a fool," he scowled. "I can see what kind of life you've led. This is also the Jewel of Life, just as I know yours is also the Jewel of Souls."

"Then why are looking at me as if I'm the Jewel of Death? Oh, are you nervous I'll see the terrible things you've done?"

"Tch," he frowned. "I have nothing to hide."

"Can you both stop?" Niya spoke up with a frown. "I think I see your misunderstanding."

"A misunderstandning?" Edam questioned. "Or, more lies?"

The Princess huffed. "I don't understand how you can be so cruel when we've only just met! I thought you were supposed to wield the Jewel of Righteousness! This isn't righteous at all!"

"Sadala," Edam turned to the man, "what do you see about the girl?"

She huffed angrier. "I can hear you!"

"Your name is Sadala? Like in Planet Sadala?" Ayata questioned.

Edam hesitantly replied as Sadala used his powers to get a feel for the Princess. "Yes. It has kept the name in honor our the Great Warrior Sadala."

Niya tilted her head. "But Planet Sadala in our universe was destroyed a long time ago."

The Prince gasped. "Then where do the saiyans live now?"

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