EP. 7 - Frieza Force Revival

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After some time, the line was cut off by Makona. She told them Niya had to eat, and the line dispersed sadly but understandingly.

"Thanks, Mom!" Niya let out a relieved breath.

"Of course, My Star," Makona kissed her head. "Go enjoy your party."

"I will!" the Princess hurried off to find her friends. Just before she could reach them, two guests appeared.

"Oh my, are we late?"

Niya looked up at them. "L-Lord Beerus!"

The two--Beerus and Whis--smiled down at the girl. "Ah, Princess," Beerus said, "Just the person we were looking for. Happy birthday."

Niya blinked out of shock from them appearing so suddenly. "M-My Lord," she bowed her head. "I'm so honored you decided to come after all. I hope you really enjoy this party!"

"I have a feeling I will," he quickly scanned everyone near.

"I also wish you a happy birthday, Your Highness," Whis spoke up. "In fact, My Lord has brought a present for you."

She curiously watched as Whis used his mysterious staff. Out of some pocketed portal, a small winged creature emerged. It had a long tail and neck, small developing wings, but the most adorable wide eyes. He settled the creature in Niya's arms.

As Niya held it, the creature reached with long neck to sniff her and licked her chin.

Immediately, she squealed.

Everyone nearby was startled for a moment until she happily hugged the creature close. "I have always wanted a pet!" she exclaimed. "My Mom and Dad always said no, but they can't make me refuse a gift from Lord Beerus!"

"Exactly," Beerus chuckled. "The mighty creature I have chosen for you is a Wyla (Why-la). They bond strongly to those they consider its Master. Of course, you must have great strength for it to recognize you as so. And, well, it seemed fitting for something to carry a Princess where she pleases, when it's grown enough."

"I love it!!!" Niya twirled around with it. "What shall I name you?!"

The creature only licked at her face, making her laugh. "Your name shall come to me later."

"Good. You both seem to get along well," Beerus smiled.

"Oh--yes! Thank you so much!" Niya bowed her head. "If there's anything I can do to repay your kindess...!"

Beerus tilted his head in thought. "I will let you know when something comes to mind."

"Of course," she nodded. "Anyway, I was just about to eat. Did you both want to join me?"

"I won't refuse such an offer. Lead the way, Princess."

Niya smiled and led them along to get some food from the many tables. While there, she introduced Lord Beerus and Whis to her friends who hadn't met him. She kept the part about him being a Destoryer God a secret for the time being.

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