EP. 3 - Who Was The Super Saiyan God? (PART 1)

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"Interesting," Beerus observed. "I recall that gathering the orbs together summons a dragon who then grants the orbs' owner any wish he so desires."

Miyako nodded. She had an idea for a wish, but she refrained from speaking it.

Near the stage, Yamcha observed closely. "Uh, hey, wait a minute!" he exclaimed. "I only count six dragon balls! Which means...!"

The four-star dragon ball was missing.

Bulma hurried to look around the stage. "What?! I swear I counted them an hour ago!"

Everyone was standing at this point, looking around with concern.

"Maybe it fell somewhere backstage?" Kandice suggested to her husband. "Go check back there."

"Oh! Good idea," Kusuke nodded and hopped on stage to check behind the red curtains.

Kandice checked on her sleeping infant in her stroller before brushing some of her bangs away from her Third Eye. She quickly scanned around, looking for the four-star dragon ball.

"Oh, goodness," Miyako stood. "I should help them find the wish orb."

Beerus snickered. "These humans are so reckless, aren't they? How could someone lose something so precious as a wish orb?"

She eyed him. "Everyone loses things now and again."

From her table, Niya stood and reached for her hair fork. "Oh, I know!" she told Yucca. "I could ask Lady Ayata to hel--!" her voice faltered when she didn't feel the Red Jewel.

Yucca gave her a questioning look.

Before the Princess could cry out in a panic, the "Emperor" Pilaf shrieked and caught the bouncing, missing four-star dragon ball, catching everyone's attention.

"Guys, help me," Pilaf whispered. "I fell right into their trap."

Shu placed a hand on his head. "If you hadn't shrieked, they'd be none-the-wiser."

Trunks stared confused between them, still holding onto Mai's arm.

Mai let out a breath. "I never wanted it to come to this...!" She suddenly wrapped her arm around Trunks' neck in a chokehold and aimed a pistol at his head.

"Don't move!" Shu pulled out a sword and aimed it at Trunks' head, too.

"You tell 'em, sir!" Mai turned to their leader.

Pilaf cleared his throat. "Ah--Alright! Listen up, folks!" he announced. "If you don't want us to smash this kid into applesauce, you'll pay us one million zeni!!"

Everyone stared back at them with surprised confusion.

Niya whispered to Yucca, "What is 'apple sauce'?"

Her friend gave her a look. "I don't think that's important."

Pilaf dialed back, "...A hundred thousand would also work."

Everyone chuckled and laughed at the non-existent threat.

"What're you jerks laughing at?" Mai frowned. "I'll kill him! I mean it!" she jabbed the gun at his head.

"Some couple they are," Yucca scoffed.

Niya tilted her head in confusion.

Meanwhile, Beerus observed. "That deluded child is threatening to kill another child and yet everyone at this party simply laughs? I must discipline them all," he stood.

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