EP. 16 - Curse of the Second-Born

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Niya glanced away. "I'm not being used..."

"You are. Why else would your deities want you on this team? You are the youngest fighter here, but you were only picked because you're the Red Jewel wielder, right?" Celri guessed.

She let his words sink in and she nodded.

"It was the same for my brother," he continued. "But if we work together, us second-borns can decide to do something new. We could do something of our very own."

Niya looked into his eyes. "What were you thinking of?"

Celri stared intently before glancing away. "I'm actually not sure yet..."

Niya deadpanned. She shook her head before getting into a fighting stance. "Are you trying to make me feel sorry for you on purpose?"

"Of course not!" he insisted. "You must understand the curse of the second-born!"

She smiled lightly. "I do not feel cursed, Prince Celri," she admitted. "It is my duty to support the crown and my people. It can be a bit... much, being the jewel wielder, but I love Lady Ayata. I don't know what else I would do."

Celri studied her. He sighed, "I guess you won't understand. Even if you are the second-born, you are still the jewel wielder. You are needed and revered..."

Niya tilted her head. "Even if I wasn't my ancestor's chosen, I would still be doing what I can to help."

He clenched his fists. That's what he wanted to do—to help. No one believed in him, always turning to Edam for help. Their eyes were always on him...

"So, if I'm on this team because I'm the Jewel Wielder, you must be quite skilled," she smiled, returning to universal language.


Niya smiled kindly. "Come on, Prince Celri. Let's fight. This is your chance to impress me."

Celri blushed. "Alright. But no need to be so formal with me. Please use my name."

"Same with me!"

He composed himself and took his own fighting position. His feet were spread far apart, while hers remained close. She held a hand out in a defensive position, her other arm folded behind her.

Celri narrowed his eyes and in flash, attacked from above.

"Oh!" Niya gasped as she dodged. She only used one arm to block and redirect him at his every attack. She was quick to notice that although he lacked his brother's raw strength, he made up for this with speed and precision.

She smiled as she slipped around him.

His face flushed as she gracefully skimmed against him, dodging as if their battle were an elegant dance. He flushed brighter when she only continued to use one arm.

"Don't mock me!!" Celri angrily blasted her.

Niya cried out as it was too sudden to dodge so she took the blast. She collapsed on the ground and flipped over to get back on her feet. "That was a good one!" she dusted her singed uniform.

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