EP. 4 - Who Was The Super Saiyan God? (PART 2)

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Vegeta flew up to meet Beerus in Super Saiyan, intriguing the God. "This way if you want a fight," he flew off over the ocean.

"So, the Prince finally graces me with a battle...," Beerus grinned before following. "Let's see if you shall give me a proper challenge."

Miyako held back her laughter. Yes. May Lord Beerus destroy Vegeta once and for all.

Vegeta and Beerus flew over the ocean a good distance away from the boat. There were too many lives at risk.

The Prince however, couldn't help but fear the God as he stared at him. How could Beerus look so amused? Not so long ago, he was having a good time with everyone at the party. How could he just kill them all over a cup of pudding?

Vegeta gasped and barely managed to dodge Beerus' jab. He could only barely block the next jabs until he left himself open for a fist to the gut. He couldn't recover as Beerus continued to smack him around.

It wasn't even a minute until the Prince was kicked down in the ocean water.

"VEGETA!" Bulma cried out for her husband.

"Don't worry, Mom!" Trunks assured her. "We'll save Dad!"

He then assured Mai he'd handle the situation before turning to his best friend. "Goten!"

"I know, I know. I'm ready," Goten joined his side. He glanced over at Yucca, hoping she'd be impressed with him saving the day.

The boys then changed into their regular gis and performed fusion. Newly formed Gotenks flashed into Super Saiyan before putting on a grin for everyone. "Don't worry. We'll take of everything!" he boldly promised before heading towards Beerus.

Meanwhile, Niya finished healing her brother and sister-in-law.

"How are you feeling now?" Niya furrowed her brows. Yucca helped the couple sit up.

"As good as I can be," Kusuke frowned.

Kandice hung her head. "We have to... give him what he wants."

"But I thought we didn't have anymore pudding?" the Princess questioned.

"No!" Kandice shook her head. "He wants... to meet the Super Saiyan God."

Niya held the Red Jewel in her hand. "Do you think he means Lady Ayata?"

"That's the only Saiyan God we know of," Kandice replied. "He wants to destroy the entire planet anyway..."

The Princess stood. "I won't let him do that!" she declared determinedly. "I will stop--!"


She turned to see Miyako had stopped her. "Grandmother!" she frowned. "You have to let me go."

"I...," Miyako started. "I can't stand the thought of Lord Beerus laying a single finger on you. I will stop him myself."

"No!" Niya protested. "I know it was you who hid the Red Jewel. You knew Lord Beerus would want to meet Lady Ayata, didn't you?"

She pursed her lips. "I didn't want you to face the reprecussions of lying."

"I would have told Lord Beerus the truth," Niya frowned. "If he wanted to fight with Lady Ayata, I would have let him. I don't understand why you put us in this position, Grandmother..."

Miyako glanced away. My desire for revenge has costed me once again. "I was afraid Lord Beerus would kill you. When our Great Ancestor uses your body, it pains me to see how much it drains you," she explained. "I know how intense it can be. I fought Beerus many years ago..."

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