EP. 19 - A Saiyan's Pride

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Yucca clenched her fists.

"Perhaps I should applaud you as well! All your deductions--perfect, flawless!" Frost laughed. "Yes, I have a facade. I start my own wars, but then I resolve them!" He explained that once the planets were war-ravaged, he was able to buy land for cheap and make a profit from reconstruction projects.

Yucca stared in contempt. The death of my clan members was all for money... "And there you have it," she continued, "Frost, the Fraud of Universe Six."

There was a stunned silence before anger flipped inside everyone.

"Mother," Celri began. "Is this true?! Did Lord Frost really kill our clan?!"

Argula solemnly nodded. "I saw him do it when I was a young girl. But given who he was, no one would have ever believed me...," she explained. "So, when this chance came, I knew I would be able to expose Frost and avenge my clan!"

Edam furrowed his brows. "You had to pretend to be on amicable terms all this time?"

"Your Majesty...," Amaran clenched his fists and bowed deeply. "I apologize for attempting to defend such a monster!"

"I apologize as well!" Cabba quickly matched his bow.

"Oh, you sweet boys," Argula let out a breath. "You couldn't have known. Frost played his role well. I'm just glad there will be no more pretending from now on!"

"Wait!" Champa scowled. "You're telling me you planned this?! You planned to embarrass me with this bastard?! You knew he would cheat and put him on our team anyway?!"

She bowed her head apologetically. "I am deeply sorry, My Lord. I had no intentions of embarrassing you. If anything...," she lifted her eyes, "we should make it seem like we worked together," she whispered.


"Pretend that we were working together to expose Frost so you can save face, My Lord," she suggested. "You can take this opportunity to look superior to your brother. According to the girl's story, Lord Beerus did nothing to get rid of this Frieza."

Vados chuckled. "If we go along with this story, the universe may think of you with more respect, My Lord. Although, it's not your duty to persecute others."

Champa reveled at the idea of being respected. He imagined himself being celebrated like a war hero and partaking in a celebratory feast. He giggled to himself.

"Very well!" he composed himself. "It's a good thing I still keep you saiyans around!"

Argula smiled, grateful of their agreement. She cleared her throat and stepped to the edge of the platform. "Now that Lady Yucca has exposed your true nature," she began to for all to hear, "there's no need for Lord Champa and I to do any work. Your punishment will be left to Lord Champa, who so graciously assisted with your downfall."


Across from them, Lord Beerus scoffed. "As if my half-wit brother would've come up with such a plan. What a considerate woman to help him save face with this embarrassment."

Whis smiled in amusement. "It was quite obvious he had no idea, but we know Lord Champa would do anything to make himself look superior to you, My Lord."

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