EP. 24 - Goku Black

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Meanwhile, Niko sat alone in the Time Machine. He leaned back but snapped in attentiveness at scuttling. He hesitantly checked under the controls and deadpanned.

"Giru, what are you doing there?" he pulled out the white spherical robot. It was small, and had its own small body when walking around and a single red eye.

"Gi-ru," it beeped and shoved a notebook in his arms.

"Huh?" Niko looked at the notebook. When he flipped through the pages, he realized. "This... is grandma's notebook!"

"Grandma!" Niko called as he jumped out of the ship. "Look what the other you left us!"

Everyone turned to him as he gave the notebook to Bulma. "Huh? A notebook...?" she flipped through the pages. As she read, her eyes widened and she gasped. "Niko, this is perfect! It's the future me's notebook full of information about the Time Machine!"

"You can use it to make more fuel, right?" he asked with hopeful excitement.

As Bulma continued to read, she faltered. "Well... if I can manage to understand it," she admitted. "Future me was on a whole other level..."

"Gi-ru! I help!" the robot perched on Bulma's shoulder.

"Woah!" she gasped. "Who's this?"

"That's Giru," Niko introduced. "He's our little robot helper. He's a little... strange, but still helpful. Noemi gave him to me as a birthday present, but he always spent the most time with you. I mean, the other you."

Bulma smiled. "Well, nice to meet you, Giru. Can you really help me figure out the Time Machine?"

"Yes! Giru help!" he assured.

"Great! Let's start looking into that ship."

"Gi-ru!" he starting pulling her along, making her laugh.

"Mom said to trust her," Trunks started. "This must've been what she meant," he managed a smile.


Walking towards the group was Lima in her lab coat and Ken-La. "Bulma, we knew something was up when you ditched us and never came back," she crossed her arms. Both women halted in surprise of all the new company. "Um, what did we just walk into...?"

Ken-La gasped. "Trunks!" she hurried to him. "It's been a long time!" she smiled.

"Oh, hi!" he smiled back. "It looks like you're doing well."

"I'm okay. But...," her smile fell, "if you're here, something must've happened in your timeline again, didn't it?"

He solemnly nodded. "Unfortunately."

She glanced around. "Where's Niya?"

"She didn't make it back with us this time..."

"Mom's fine though. Don't worry, Auntie," Niko spoke up.

Ken-La turned to him. She studied him and blinked. "Oh. Oh!" she realized. "You've gotten so big, I hardly recognized you!" she smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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