EP. 17 - Frost, the Fraud of Universe 6 (PART 1)

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Celri got to his feet. "A little help, mother?"

"Oh! My baby boy!" Argula gasped and tended to him.

"M-Mother!" Celri turned red.

Niya giggled at their interaction.

From above, Vegeta tried to hide his trembling. That woman is just like...

An image of a woman he had not seen in many years appeared in his mind.

"Mother..." he mumbled to himself.

Piccolo's ears perked up in surprise, able to hear his mumbling with his great hearing. He kept what he heard to himself, not daring to press Vegeta on what he assumed was a sensitive matter.

"Good riddance," Beerus sighed in relief. "Honestly, that girl is too kind. She should've ended the matches quickly."

"That's just how she is," Ayata emerged from the Red Jewel, sitting beside him with a kind smile. "Even when showing kindness, she comes out on top. No need to worry, Beerus."

The God flinched at her informality, but didn't correct her. "Then she better win the whole tournament herself."

There was a mischevious glint in her eyes. "Oh? And what will be rewarded if she does?"

"Reward?" Beerus frowned. "I'm not bestowing rewards. I demand you all win because I told you to do so. The only reason you are all still alive is because of the Earth's culinary delicacies. And... I would never hear the end of it if I lost to Champa..."

He watched his twin brother whine at their second loss on the floor like a baby while Vados tried to soothe him.

"You were going to spare me and keep me all to yourself," Ayata reminded him with a smirk.

Beerus hurriedly held a hand to his mouth and cleared his throat. "That's besides the point."

She tapped her chin in thought. "Ah, I know just the thing! How about if my Niyata wins the tournament on her own, you go on a date with me?"

Whis blinked in surprise. Then, he came to his senses and chuckled. "A date with Lord Beerus? He doesn't have a single romantic bone in his body, My Lady, I apologize."

Beerus looked away to hide his face.

Goku laughed as he tried to peek at the Destroyer. "Aw, Lord Beerus, are you blushing?"

Vegeta crossed his arms, his thoughts returning to the present. "You're truly an insane woman."

Ayata smiled and shrugged. "I have nothing to lose. Why should I hide my feelings?"

"I really don't understand...," Piccolo grumbled.

She giggled. "What do you say, Beerus?"

"It's Lord Beerus," he seemed to compose himself and sat up straight. "But, fine. I agree with this reward, but only because I imagine it will motivate you to win."

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