EP. 10 - Golden Frieza - End Arc

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"You will pay!!" Niya pulled her arm back, and an enormous fist of crimson ki formed, and slammed down on him.

The entire area trembled and blew off debris. When the dust settled, Sisami was very unconscious.

Little Sister settled back on Niya's shoulder, making her smile.

"Oh? And she finally awakens," Frieza commented.

The Princess turned her eyes to the tyrant. "That's right. You're next, Frieza."

Frieza studied her. "A young Super Saiyan. And that creature—it's a Wyla hatchling, is it not? One of the most ferocious creatures in the universe. When it's grown."

Little Sister gnashed her tiny canines at him.

He chuckled. "How precious."

Niya glared. "I have only heard stories about you. What you did to my grandmother and my mother... I will make you pay for what you did."

Frieza watched with an amused glint in his eyes. "Very well. You can try," he flew out of his pod. "Although I remember the prowess of a Super Saiyan, I'll tell you that form won't be enough. You see, I've been training to become even more formidable than ever before."

The Princess nodded. "I know I can't beat you in this form," she admitted to his surprise. "So, I guess I shouldn't hold her back any longer. She's really, really mad at you..."

The Emperor narrowed his eyes. "She? Do you mean...?"

Niya let Little Sister scurry away before letting the Red Jewel on her tiara glow a bright crimson. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, allowing Lady Ayata to transform and control her body.

Frieza kept the high ground as an uneasy tension spread across the battle field. The ki of the woman was vastly different than the young girl's. "Who are you?"

"An old nightmare," Ayata replied. "A Goddess that you so feared would emerge to take your soul."

The Emperor stared before bursting into laughter. "I was afraid of you? I'm still more powerful than you, and this isn't my final form!"

Ayata brushed her hair back, "This isn't mine, either." She spread her feet to concentrate and let her power flow slowly through her. A crimson aura wrapped her body, and its color leaked down her hair.

Frieza didn't laugh this time. "I suppose it's my turn."

The goddess narrowed her eyes as Frieza skipped his middle transfromation and ended up in his final form. His power was even grater than she expected, and the battles on the field simmered out as they all felt Frieza's unbelievable power. It instilled fear in their hearts, especially because Goku and Vegeta were nowhere to be found or heard of.

"The Evil Emperor got even stronger?!" Marmie trembled.

Bok swallowed hard. "Her Highness transformed into Lady Ayata, but I don't know if that's enough..."

"Roche!" Yucca went over to their unconscious comrade.

Little Sister was licking his face but to no avail.

"Here," Krillin stepped over and helped the boy chew and swallow a senzu bean.

"Princess!!" Roche gasped awake. He turned to see Goten, hanging his head in shame. "I'm sorry... I let Her Highness down..."

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