EP. 20 - Never-Miss-Hit

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From the platform, Edam smiled.

"Brother? What's with that look? We lost another match!" Celri frowned.

"You should feel proud, Your Highness," Amaran replied. "A fellow soldier has learned something very valuable. I have no doubt Cabba will continue to grow into a fine warrior."

"Yes, yes, good for him," Celri crossed his arms. "But we're here to win for our Universe! Can you even imagine a punishment from Lord Champa?" he shivered.

Edam ignored him momentarily. "Vegeta seems a lot like father, doesn't he?"

"Yes," Argula spoke up. "There's something about him," she smiled.

Cabba gasped awake as a cold liquid splashed onto his face.

"Get up," Vegeta's voice commanded.

He coughed the water out, finally recovering to meet the Prince's scowling eyes. "O-Oh, Vegeta!" he hurried to his feet. "You... were trying to get me to become a Super Saiyan?"

"Whether you get there or not is of your own efforts and resolve," Vegeta replied. "But, there was a moment in combat where it sounded like you were giving up. Surrender is an outcome far worse than defeat. I won't tolerate that weak behavior from a saiyan!"

"Right," Cabba hung his head. "I let down His Highness..."

"Never forget what you are, damn it! Never forget your Saiyan Pride! Not just for the sake of a Prince, but for yourself!"

"Strength just for myself?"


He turned to see Edam waving him over with a smile. "Well done! It looks like you're giving Celri a challenge for his own strength!"

Celri scowled, and Cabba smiled nervously. "O-Of course not! I would never presume to be on Your Highness's levels!" he hurriedly waved his hands.

"Like I said," Vegeta started, "it doesn't matter if you're a prince or a low-class warrior. It only matters if you have the desire to get stronger."

Cabba felt in awe of Vegeta's inspiring words. He had the same air of stoicism as--

Vegeta felt his work was done and began to head for his end of the arena.

"You know," the soldier called out to him, "King Sadala is a proud, strong man—much like yourself. In fact, you remind me of him."

"That so? You'll have to introduce us sometime."

"Gladly!" Cabba smiled. "I'm sure we can make it happen!"

Vegeta continued, and Cabba bowed his head in thanks before returning to his universe's platform.

While the saiyans congratulated the soldier, Celri still remained prickly. "That was quite an achievement for a young soldier such as yourself," Argula smiled at him.

"Y-Your Majesty!" Cabba quickly bowed.

"Rise, young man," she lifted his head by his chin and kissed his cheek. "Your efforts will not be forgotten."

The soldier turned bright red.

"Mother, he doesn't deserve your kiss!" Celri growled.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I couldn't help it. But I didn't forget about you, sweet Celri. Come here."


While the others lightheartedly laughed, in the platform across, the Universe 7 members were surprised.

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