EP. 8 - The Evil Emperor Returns

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Just as Montra bumped against the Frieza Force shield, they began to slow down. "What? No no no...!" He forced the ship to keep moving, but it continued to wind down and slow until it was moving forward only because of inertia.

Kohl placed a firm hand on him. "Your Highness," he started. "We've run out of energy. We can't do anything like this. We need to send out an SOS signal."

Montra panted, the anger seeping into disappointment. "Fine... Make sure the others don't lose sight of that ship..."

"Understood, Sir."

The Prince sat back and Kohl sent out the signal. He can't be brought back, he agonized. Frieza can't return from the dead...!

Age 779
August - 3 Months Later
Planet Ayata

Montra stormed through the castle halls, not bothering to apologize for bumping into people. The guards and officials realized the Prince was in a bad mood once again that day and hurried to get out of his way.

"More bad news today?" a guard murmured to another.

"Most likely..."

The Prince blocked everyone out. The Frieza Force continued to steadily grow in numbers despite his and his team's efforts to eradicate them. Were they planning to destroy the remaining Saiyans? Earth? The Galactic Patrol? Someone else in their way?

He frowned deeply. He had learned the Galactic Patrol were also following leads on the Frieza Force. But his interaction with them earlier made him wonder if they were holding back information.

He thought to just hours before.


Montra was on his way back home after a few days of investigation. He sat back in thought as the ship flew on autopilot. "They've received orders to retreat back to their main ship," he spoke aloud to himself. "Are they going into hiding to further increase their numbers out of sight, or are they preparing for an all out attack...?"

He sighed and rubbed his temples. As he looked to the side, he saw a photo of his family. It was him, his kind and intelligent wife Lima, and their eight-year-old son Monma.

Montra clenched his fists. He would never let the Frieza Force tear apart his family ever again. He had already missed out on growing up with his sister—and half-sister Ken-La, which he and his mother ignored—his brother-in-law, niece and nephew. Not to mention missing out on growing up as a royal. It was one of the reasons he had found it so hard to fit in.

But, destroying the Frieza Force, that was one task he would accomplish for his people. That was the one thing he could promise as their Prince.

Montra sighed. "I'll find out your plan soon enough, Sorbet," he frowned.

He snapped to attention when a pop-out appeared. "The... Galactic Patrol...?" he read the transmission origin. He accepted, "You're connected..."

"Hello, thank you for accepting communication," a young man appeared on the screen. He had lavender skin and gray, bowl-cut hair.

Montra's eyes turned to the side. A singular Galactic Patrol ship appeared beside his. "Sure. What do you want?"

"You're one of the Saiyans investigating the Frieza Force, correct?"

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