EP. 5 - Who Was The Super Saiyan God? (PART 3) - End Arc

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The God was momentarily caught off guard, and Vegeta didn't hesitate for a kick to the jaw. Another punch and another, then a knee. And finally, a kick to the side, forcing Beerus to slide back off the edge of the boat.

In air, Vegeta continued his furious revenge against Beerus, returning the smack down the God had given him previously.

With the last of his energy, Vegeta fired a violet Big Bang Attack.

Panting, Vegeta waited for the smoke to clear. "Is he...?"

When the smoke settled, Vegeta's eyes widened to see Lord Beerus was still standing.

Beerus sighed. "Impressive show, but you are not a Super Saiyan God," he dusted himself off. "I shall leave Earth now, but of course, not until I destroy it. Hand over the Red Jewel."

"No!" Vegeta protested. "I can't let you destroy Earth! Why must you always destroy?!"

He narrowed his eyes. "I kept my word to My Lady: I reconsidered destroying the planet. But after so many lies and disappointments, I've settled on destroying Earth. Accept your fate with dignity, Vegeta."

Beerus tapped the Prince's forehead with his nail, rendering him unconscious.

He began to fall.

"Vegeta!" Bulma--now recovered--ran over to his aid.

"I have you," Yucca made it in time to catch Vegeta, gently settling him in Bulma's lap.

"Vegeta...," Bulma hugged him.

"Whis--Whis?!" Beerus looked for his attendent. He deadpanned when he saw Whis had sat back down to eat more food.


"We're leaving. I am destroying this planet."

"As you wish, My Lord, but I'm going to finish eating first," Whis pleasantly smiled.

Beerus swallowed his protests and looked down at the crowd. "Well," he started. "You still have some moments left before I destroy you. Any last words?"

Kusuke couldn't believe they were going to die. His friends, his family, his wife, his daughter. In the middle of the ocean. "Lord Beerus...," he spoke up. "Please, spare my daughter. Deliver her to my parents."

Kandice held their whimpering infant Noemilla. "Please. She's just a baby..."

The God looked over the child. "I suppose it would be unfair to end Queen Makona's bloodline without having met her as an adult. Very well. Say your goodbyes."

Kusuke let out a breath in relief. "Thank you!" he embraced his family.

Beerus crossed his arms. "Anything else?"

"Y-Yes, Lord Beerus," Niya spoke up this time. She still seemed to be aching, but she stood on her own.

"Spit it out."

"Please let me fight you again."

"You want to speed up your death?" Beerus' eyes narrowed. "My Lady's power will consume you. You're still too weak."

"I don't care!" Niya exclaimed. "Great Ancestor couldn't fight to her fullest because of a different reason."

When she didn't say what it was, Beerus frowned. "And what is the reason?"

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