EP. 22 - Heartbreak

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For the mortals, the scale on how large was dragon was felt incomprehensible. It was a brilliant gold with glowing red eyes. In comparison, they were like a grain of sand.

Niya could feel its sheer grandeur and omnipotent power once the wish was granted. She held the Red Jewel in her hands. Lady Ayata, maybe the Super Dragon Balls are the key to freeing you.

Age 779
Planet Earth
November - A Few Days Later

Niya hung upside down from a tree. "Is the party almost starting?"

"Yeah, the chefs are just taking forever 'cause they gotta make a bunch of extra food just for Buu," Trunks stared at her with crossed arms.

A few feet away, her comrades were sitting on the grass talking amongst themselves. Except Yucca hadn't arrived yet. Neither had Goten.

Niya sighed as she dangled.

"Stop sighing," Trunks flicked her forehead. "If you're so bored, how about we do a little sparring?"

She blinked before landing in front of him. "Sure!"

Trunks jumped back. "You're fully recovered from your injuries, right?"

"Of course," Niya smiled. She wore a black skirt with back spandex underneath and crimson long sleeved shirt. She had long white socks along with black and white sneakers. Her wavy onyx hair was brushed back and held by her golden tiara with the Red Jewel. Since she had cut her hair at the World Martial Arts Tournament, it had now grown to the middle of her back.

Trunks smirked. "Alright, I won't hold back!" he started by blasting her.

"Hey, you'll ruin my clothes!" Niya dodged them. "No energy attacks!" she teleported behind him elbowed his spine.

He gasped and immediately halted. He turned around to block her foot. "Tch, who cares? They're just clothes."

Trunks grabbed her ankle and tossed her back.

"Woah!" Niya hopped back, trying to regain her balance. She landed on her bottom and laughed.

"Are you even taking this seriously?" the half-saiyan raised an annoyed brow.

"No. You said 'light' sparring."

"...Get back up."

Niya smiled and jumped forward for a jab. She smirked as he deflected with his forearm. "Looks like our training is paying off."

"I've had enough of you being so arrogant!" Trunks pushed her back and slammed his head into hers.

However, both of them whined and held their heads.

"Why...!" the princess groaned.

Trunks growled. "I'm gonna be stronger than you. Don't forget, okay?!"

Niya pouted. He can't be nice a single time... "Yeah, sure, sure," she wiped down her clothes. "When are you gonna officially challenge me? I might get tired of waiting, you know," she teased.

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