EP. 21 - One-of-a-Kind Hit - End Arc

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"No, I came here because I did. And, you're not strong enough to beat the technique," Yucca boldly stated.

"Really? No chance?" the princess pouted.

Her friend stared. "You're really not going to forfeit, are you?"

"Nuh uh."

She sighed. "Alright," she gave in. "I'll tell you about Time Skipping."

The roster glowed with Hit's face connecting with Niya's. The referee announced the match, but Niya hardly listened. Her eyes were glued to her opponent, the assassin Hit.

Her stomach tied into knots when she remembered her encounter with Knives. She hadn't even tried to hide her murderous intent, but here Hit stood calm, expression vacant.

Her focus returned when the gong rang, and the referee announced the start.

Hit met her eyes and slid his hands into his trench coat pockets. "Forfeit."


He continued to stare. "I could kill you."

Niya furrowed her brows. "Why do you even care...?" she trailed off as she realized. "Oh. I understand now." She smiled calmly, "If you kill me, then you're disqualified, and that means your universe loses."

"Do you understand what you're saying?" Hit asked. "You could lose your life. And yet, you're smiling."

"Should I not? Should I act afraid?"

"You should forfeit."

Niya took a narrow stance. "You should know by now that I don't give up. I have my pride, too."

Hit frowned, and she could've sworn he groaned. He stood still, his hands remained in his pockets. "Do your best, little girl."

"My name is Niyata."


She observed for a moment, and he didn't move an inch. She slowly began to circle him, maintaining her stance.

His ability is Time-Skip, she thought to herself. He was able to defeat Vegeta because he jumped ahead in time. Does his technique have a limited number of uses for a time? It has to. But, I won't be able to take as many hits as Vegeta...

"Well?" Hit spoke up. "Are you done formulating a strategy, Niyata?"

She stopped at the same place she started, meeting his eyes. "I can see why you're an amazing assassin," she joked with a smile. "You don't make it easy."

Hit slipped his hands out of his pockets, and Niya immediately tensed up. Before she knew it, Hit firmly held her throat.

"Agh...!" Niya gasped. She gripped his wrist. "What are you doing?!"

"Forfeit," he persisted, tightening his hold.

"N...Never!" she managed.

Hit frowned. In the blink of an eye, he slammed her against the ground, catching the Princess off guard. She cried out from the sudden pain. "Forfeit," he held her down.

Niya glared. "NO!" she powered up to Super Saiyan Two and kicked him back. At least, she would have if he hadn't performed his Time-Skip. He stood a few feet away as if nothing happened.

She jumped back to her feet. "Do you understand now?"

"Yes," Hit replied. "I understand I'll do this the hard way. I wanted to spare you the pain since you're a child, but, I've forgotten a child only learns through mistakes."

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