EP. 15 - Be My Wife!

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Amaran sat beside him. "I'll be by your side just like you were for me all those years ago."


Present Day

Edam clenched his fists. Out of all the people I could lose, it had to be him...

"AMARAN!!!" he furiously powered through to Super Saiyan. The wind lashed around them like a storm, radiating the burning rage of the golden form.

The Prince set his furious eyes settled on Lord Champa. He took off from the ring, cracking it with his newfound strength, and headed for the Destroyer God.

Before he could stray too far from the ring, he gasped when he was trapped in a crimson ki fists. "Princess! Release me! I have to...! I'm going to...!"

"No!" Niya struggled to hold him back. "You are going to be disqualified! Please, take your anger out on me!"

Edam glared. "Are you serious?! Amaran is worth more than this stupid tournament of petty sibling rivalry!!"

She wanted to let him go, but feared Champa would kill him too. "Our battle isn't over yet!" she slammed him back onto the ring. "We're even now--Super Saiyan to Super Saiyan."

He got back onto his feet and glared at her. "You don't understand," he stressed in their native language--the same one from Planet Ayata. "I cared for him!"

Her eyes widened, and before she could reply, she cried out when Edam drove his fist into her sternum. She was depraved from oxygen instantly from his monstrous strength. She lost her form and gasped desperately, trying to recover her breath.

Edam looked down at his hands. With just one hit, he took the Princess out of her form. He furrowed his brows, watching her hold her chest in pain. "I didn't want to do this..."

"Tch, his strength in incredible," Ayata stood. "It's about time I join in." She held a hand out and ki traveled to wrap around her reincarnation.

"What?" Edam stepped back.

Sadala emerged from his own jewel. "So, that's her solution," he observed. "This should be acceptable." He too held his hand out and blue ki flowed like a river from him to his own chosen.

The ki began to heal Niya, and she managed to stand again. As it swirled around her like a gentle fire, her hair and eyes were painted the same crimson color. "Huh?" she looked over herself. She felt warm, the same warmth from an embrace of a loved one.

Edam's anger faded as the bright ocean blue ki flowed around him like a gentle river. His golden hair washed out to take on the blue hue along with his eyes.

In their newly temporary false forms, their eyes met and there was an understanding.

"You were... right to stop me," Edam admitted.

Niya took a deep breath, letting the surge of power settle in her body. "Let's finish this fight."

He flinched as his body struggled to acclimate to the energy.

"Breath, Edam," she told him. "In... Out."

Edam nodded. He struggled to follow along with her, but after a few breaths, the pain subsided. His body trembled, "I never felt this much power before..."

Niya studied him. They would have to end the fight quickly. She remembered her first time harboring such tremendous power. She didn't want him to push his body too much.

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