EP. 13 - Tournament of Destroyers

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"That's because we're wired that way. Didn't you know? Saiyans only like strong women."


Piccolo expressed his silent surprise.

Trunks rubbed his head. He thought about the strong girls his age. There was Marmie he barely knew, Yucca, Niya... Of course he had to add Mai. She literally pulled a gun out on him. She was quite something.

"I guess... yeah," Trunks quietly agreed.

Niya giggled to herself. She wondered if Goten felt that way, too.

Ayata emerged from the Red Jewel in her ki form and sighed. "Yes, my fellow saiyans, this is how it's always been. Saiyan women also like strong men. Isn't that right, Niyata?"

"Um!" the Princess turned red.

"That applies to you, too, then," Piccolo deduced.

Ayata's teasing smile faltered. "Yes, you're right. I was in love with the strongest Saiyan in my time, many years ago."

Everyone looked like they wanted to hear more.

"A story for another time, children," she waved a hand and returned into the Red Jewel.

Niya furrowed her brows. She felt like her ancestor was hiding something important, heart-wrenching.

"She's really weird," Trunks remarked.

"You guys just don't understand her," the Princess replied.

"Yeah, whatever," he shrugged. "I'm gonna go tell Goten and Mai about the tournament. You coming?"

"Sure! Yucca is probably with Goten anyway."

"Is he coming, too?" Trunks pointed to Monma.

Momma held onto Niya's arm.

"His name is Monma, and he's my cousin," Niya explained. "What do you think? Do you want to go with us?"

The young Saiyan thought before he nodded with a smile.

"Okay," she smiled. "Let's go. And Trunks, don't be too freaked out if he talks telepathically in your head."

"Sure," Trunks shrugged and took off, the two younger Saiyans following him.


Montra tried to ignore Bulma's blatant staring. He cleared his throat. "You can ask about this ugly scar if you want," he referred to the one over his right eye that partially blinded him.

"Oh! I wasn't staring at it!" Bulma held her hands up. "You just seem different from Vegeta and Goku."

"Of course. We were raised completely different."

"I guess your Saiyan planet is pretty different," she thought.

He glanced at her. "Oh, right. You were too drunk to remember. At the Princess's birthday, where we first met."

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