EP. 9 - Battle of A Thousand Men

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"Stop—just explain what's going on," Bok spoke up seriously.

Yucca took a deep breath. "Frieza has been resurrected, and he's on his way to Earth with a thousand soldiers—at least. But, if our Patrolman would give me a time, that would be useful."

Jaco slid down and rolled away to escape her. He cleared his throat. "He'll be here in about an hour."

"You jerk!!" Bulma yelled and set down an ice cream sundae. "I have to go warn everyone!!" she hurried off.

As the children discussed on what to do, Niya felt her chest tighten. The name Frieza made her freeze with fear, but, she also felt incredible anger.

Yucca watched as Bulma hurried off. "Good thing Prince Kusuke is here. And us. We can handle a thousand men while Goku arrives..."

Trunks raised an annoyed brow. "My dad can take on Frieza, too. He also knows how to do that Super Saiyan God stuff."

She nodded. "Oh, that's good to hear..."

They were all taken with how worried their fearless leader sounded.

"...So, let's go with your plan!" Goten spoke up. "Four of us are Super Saiyans, and then there's Kusuke and my brother! Piccolo's really strong, too, and there's everyone else who can help!"

"Yeah!" Trunks joined in. "We'll sweep in and wipe them all out like it's nothing. And Frieza, too."

"Well... if you guys are confident, I'm sure we can do it!" Roche smiled.

Marmie rubbed her chin. "It would be kinda cool to say we defeated the Evil Emperor's army..."

Bok sighed. "Then why are we just standing around? They won't stand a chance against my inventions."

"There you go boasting again," she gave him a look.

Niya stood back and bit her thumb with worry. There was a gnawing pit in her stomach.

Little Sister—her young Wyla creature—climbed to the top of her head and smacked her tail across the Princess's face.

"Ouch!" Niya gasped and snapped out of her thoughts. "That hurt, Little Sister."

She only squawked in return.

"Princess," she was called by Yucca. "What do you think we should do?"

"Oh um," Niya blinked. "Your plan. We can do it. We've fought against Frieza Force members before. They're not exactly advanced fighters."

Yucca studied her. "Do you think a Super Saiyan will be enough to defeat Frieza?"

The Princess looked down. "I have a feeling... Frieza has gotten stronger. I feel... uneasy."

Members of her team tensed. Niya was always right about these gut feelings.

"Hey," Goten held her hand. "I've gotten a lot stronger," he smirked. "I'll protect you."

Niya blushed. She smiled and lightly shook her head. "I don't want you to protect me. I just want you to fight beside me."

He smiled. "Then, let's do it! You, too, Little Sister!"

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