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"Have you decided if you are gonna come up with me for the whole summer?" Belly asks while sitting in between Taylor and me, on her bed. "I haven't asked Susannah if she would be okay with it," I say looking down at the floor

"I'm more than 100 percent sure she would be completely fine with it," Belly says letting out a light laugh and then connecting her phone to her speaker and playing our playlist.

Belly is Taylor's best friend; Taylor is also my sister, Only being two years older than my sister has made us close. Meaning all of her friends are also mine and vice versa. Belly and I didn't become close until about three or four years ago when I had to go with Taylor to visit Belly in Cousins beach; where she goes every summer.

Tay and I tried to convince our mom to buy a place down there for the summer so we wouldn't have to keep staying in Susannah's house and so that she could also come with us. Of course, she said no and that Susannah didn't mind us staying in her house, but I still feel weird and like I'm intruding.

"You better text her like now, my mom already thinks you'll be riding with us down." Belly says while handing me my phone motioning me to text her, "Okay fine," I say grabbing the phone and turning it on, and clicking in Susannah's contact


Hello Dear, I miss you so much!

I miss you too!

What's up? Are you okay?

yes, I'm okay, actually, I was wondering if it would be okay if I came up with Belly and her family to Cousins this summer?

That's more than okay! Everyone here misses you so much. I'll have Conrad make up the guest bed. This is gonna be a great summer!

okay, thank you! I'm so excited! See you soon.

See you soon Tate!

"Good news," I say setting my phone down and looking over toward Belly "She said yes? I already knew she would," Belly says rolling her eyes and letting out a laugh

"I'm so jealous that you get to spend the whole summer with my best friend," Taylor says scoffing and rolling her eyes "Well someone has summer school, or else she would be able to come," I say laughing

"But we will see you when you come up for Belly's birthday," I say smiling "You probably won't even be there the whole summer, You will see Conrad and get scared and leave," Taylor says causing Belly to laugh

"Oh shut up," I say rolling my eyes and throwing a pillow at Taylor "I'll be fine it's been two years," I say putting my head down and picking at my fingernails.

The first time I ever went to Cousins was two years ago, mom didn't want Taylor to go alone so she thought it would be a good idea to send me with her. I have to admit I was excited but nervous that no one would want me there but when I got there everyone made me feel welcomed and I even grew a close bond with Susannah and Jeremiah. Conrad and I also had gotten close and even dated for a little bit, I swear I thought I was going to marry him but we were 15 and didn't know any better so we broke up, we were each other's first kiss and everything but decided it would be best if we stayed friends.

I didn't go back for the next two summers even though Susannah and Jere kept telling me to come back because they missed me, I just didn't want it to be weird between Conrad and me. We still haven't spoken since then and I've been fine with that

"Hey, It's getting late are you girls gonna be staying for dinner?" Laurel said walking into Belly's room and looking at Taylor and me "I actually have to get home to start packing," I say standing up and putting my phone in my back pocket

"You haven't packed yet?" Laurel says with a shocked look on her face "I only just decided I was going like 5 minutes ago so no." I say laughing and walking toward Belly's bedroom door where Laurel was stood

"Okay, well we are gonna be leaving at 10 so be here before then," Laurel says smiling and hugging me "Okay I will, see you tomorrow," I say walking toward the front door

"Wait you are coming with us?" Steven says standing up from the couch "Yes," I say stopping and looking at him "Does Conrad know?" He says raising his eyebrow in a questing way

"No, there is no reason for him to know," I say rolling my eyes "Does Jere know?" He says "No, not yet just Susannah and you guys," I say shrugging my shoulders

"This is gonna be a fun summer," He says smiling and sitting back down on the couch

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